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Eine Auswahl der aktuellen Forschungs- und Publikationsprojekte finden Sie in der Forschungsdatenbank

Abgeschlossene Projekte:


Social and cultural characteristics of foreigners (National Research Center) – one of four main   executors


Football Research in Enlarged Europe (EU 7th Framework Program) – Country Coordinator

2010/2013 Tolerance, Diversity and Social Cohesion. Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe (EU 7th Framework Program) – country coordinator
2012/2013 Promoting Work-related Immigration and Spreading Good Practices in the EU (REKRY-AMARE) (European Social Fund) – country’s coordinator
01.-06.2010 Negative and positive factors playing role in the process of integration of foreign citizens on labor market, in a system of medical care and in education. Anthropological case study in Poznań (European Project Aimed at Integration of Non-EU countries Citizens and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs – Project Leader)


Foreigners in Poznan: Cultural Heterogeneity in Big Cities

(Polish Ministry of Higher Education – Project Leader and Coordinator)

2004/2007 Kinship and Social Security (EU 6th Framework Program)
2003/2006 Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute, Budapest: "Post-Colony and Post-Socialism Context in Social Scientific Writing and Teaching"
1998/1999 Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute, Budapest: "Domesticating Capitalism" (International project leader)
1995/1996 “Learning Capitalism: Practices and Discourses in Poland” (with C. Nagengast), carried in various communities: rural, small town and big city (research grant of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research in New York) 


"Propriété de la terre et devenirs de la paysannerie en Europe Centrale et Orientale"; 6 months fieldwork in a rural community on transformation of the Polish countryside (financed by the C.N.R.S. in Paris). Since then intermittent visits to the site each summer.