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Prof. Dr. Michał Buchowski organisierte folgende Konferenzen:
  1. (mit B. Choluj), The Construction of the Other in Central Europe, Slubice, Collegium Polonicum 1999.
  2. 6th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference, Local Organizing Committee członek Komitetu Naukowego, Kraków, 26-29.07.2000.
  3. European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) 6th Biannual Conference on “Crossing Categorical Boudaries: Religions as Politics / Politics as Religion – Member of the Scientific Committee.
  4. Polska – Niemcy. Pograniczne kulturowe i etniczne (Poland – Germany: Cultural and Ethnic Broder), Słubice, Collegium Polonicum, 27-28.06.2003. Doroczny Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego (Annual Meeting of the Polish Ethnological Society)
  5. A Gala Opening of the Polish Studies Program at Columbia University, Columbia University, Sympozjum nt.: Polish Foreign Policy Challenges and Domestic Reactions, 31.10.2003.
  6. Forgotten People, Forgotten Places: the Cases of Bulgaria, Romania and Poland (sympozjum), Columbia University, 14.04.2004.
  7. Eastern Europe as a Field of Anthropological Enquiry (roundtable), 9th EASA Biennial Conference ‘Europe and the World’, Bristol, UK, 18-21.09.2006.
  8. Orientacje, podejścia, interpretacje, metody (Main Currents, Approaches, and Methods), Polish Committee of Ethnological Sciences Conference ‘Polish Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology: State of Art and Perspectives’, Wrocław, 26-27.10.2006.
  9. Polska – Ukraina. Pogranicze kulturowe i etniczne (Poland – Ukraine: Cultural and Ethnic Border), Zamość, 24-27.09.2006: Doroczny Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego (Annual Meeting of the Polish Ethnological Association).
  10. 9th EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Biannual Conference ‘Europe and the World’. 18-21.09.2006: Roundtable Convenor: Eastern Europe as a Field of Anthropological Enquiry.
  11. 10th EASA Biannual Conference on: “Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality”, 26-30.2008 – Member of the Scientific Committee.