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Toward a redefinition of cultural studies for the 21 century

Jehuda S. Jakubowski-Jeshay
Toward a redefinition of cultural studies for the 21 century

Tutored readings on form and content of cultural studies from K. Lamprecht to L. Hunt and beyond.

The seminar will be based on series of texts, in order to re-define the concept of cultural studies. Cultural studies ought to be studies of culture, where the content of culture is defined more widely; both earasing the difference between high and low culture and ceasing to be a convenient synonym for entertaiment or being another synonym for history, taught as simple processual development. The aim of the seminar is to attempt a new definition of the discipline through its content. In this view, the analysis of culture should present the double process of influence on the everyday of the collective and on the mentality of the said group and at the same time the mirroring of those phenomena at the level of what the said culture contains.

Will be announced at the beginning of the course

Weekly seminar conducted in English