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Vorträge und Konferenzen/ Talks and Conferences

Conference & Panel Organisation

AI as Interactional Human Culture_Poster

  • 09.-10.06.2022 International conference Largesse: The European Landscape. Cooperation with Dr. Anne-Christine Habbard, University of Lille and Prof. Dr. Marcelina Zuber, University of Wroclaw


  • 25.-28.05.2022. Was ist menschliche Sprache? Lautliche Kommunikation und ihre Konzeptualisierung im Zeitalter von Mensch-Maschine Interaktion Panel at 7. Jahrestagung der KWG: „Posthumanismus. Transhumanismus. Jenseits des Menschen?“ at Graz, Austria, organised with Marie-Theres Fester-Seeger and Dorothea Horst


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  • 09.09.-10.09.2021 Panel at Fifth International Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization at Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, Language and Late Modern Publics organized with Theresa Heyd, Universität Greifswald.


  • 08.-09.10.2020 Panel Menschen, Medien, Körper und Maschinen. Transhumanistische Perspektiven auf Interaktion, Sprache und Film, at B/Ordering Cultures. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Europa Universität Viadrina, organised with Sarah Greifenstein and Dorothea Horst.


  • 05/2020 Panel at English in a World of Strangers: Rethinking World Anglophone Studies Annual Conference of the Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt Unexpected Entanglements in Everyday Practices – The Sociolinguistics of English Across, Between and Beyond National Orders, organized with Mario Saraceni. Speakers: Mirka Honkanen, Camille Jacob, Ruanni Tupas. [CORONA CANCELLING]


  • 14.06.2019 Posthumanist Pragmatics: Linguistic Encounters in the Digital Uncanny Valley, organised with Theresa Heyd. Panel at 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Hong Kong. Speakers: Netaya Lotze, Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Helen Kelly-Holmes, Sender Dovchin, Jaspal Singh, Theresa Heyd and Anne Storch. Discussant: Alastair Pennycook 

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  • 21-23.3. 2018 Wild Publics: Language and Public Space under the Conditions of Late Modernity. 16th Blankensee Colloquium. FU Berlin, with Theresa Heyd. Speakers: Jannis Androutsopoulos, Jan Blommaert, Mary Bucholtz, Ana Deumert, Susan Gal, Rodney Jones, Sirpa Leppänen, Crispin Thurlow and others, see 

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  •  30.09.-01.10.2016 The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin. Symposium organised in cooperation with Ferdinand von Mengden and Theresa Heyd, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, with Janet Fuller, Monica Heller, Barbara Johnstone, Patrick Stevenson and others, see

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  • 14.05.2015 Sound and Language – Studying Indices of Postcolonial Ideology in Literature. Panel organised in cooperation with Carla J. Maier, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and Eeva Sippola, Universität Bremen, at GAPS Annual Conference,University of Münster, Germany


  • 18.09.2014 Language Ideologies and Music in Contact Situations at Cognitive Creolistics Afternoon Workshop, workshop organised in cooperation with Eeva Sippola, Aarhus University, at Aarhus University, Denmark


  • 16.06.2014 Transnational Afro-Caribbean Language Spaces around the World, panel organised in cooperation with Véronique Lacoste, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20, in Jyväskylä, Finland


  • 13.05.2010 Language Crossings in Transnational Music Cultures. Panel organised in cooperation with Carla J. Müller-Schulzke, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, at Contested Communities: Communication, Narration, Imagination, GNEL Conference in Bayreuth, Germany


Invited Talks/ Keynotes



  • 27.11.2016 "Teaching English in an Age of Transnationalism – Language Ideological Perspectives on English beyond Methodological Nationalism and What it Means for Language Teaching" Keynote Speech at New Paradigms in English Studies: Language, LInguistics, Literature and Culture in Higher Education, Conference at Sofia University, Bulgaria


  • 10.11.2016 " “Methodological Nationalism in Linguistics”, key speaker at Roskilde Symposium "Biases in Linguistics", Roskilde University, Denmark 


  • 04.11.2016 "Creole Language Ideologies between National Discourse and Transnational Resistance – The Case of Belizean Kriol" at Pidgins et Créoles en Contact – vers une typologie des phénomènes de contact impliquant pidgins et creole of the Fédération de Recherche (CNRS) research group, Paris, France


  • 22.10.2015 "Latino-Caribbean Intersections of Language, Class, Race, Location and Mobility. Learning from the Rhizomatic Language Ideologies of Postcolonial Superdiversity” at C.I.E.N. (Comunicación Intercultural Estrategias der Negociación) research seminar at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain


  • 07.10.2015 "Ethnographic Insights into the Superdiverse Language Context of Belize” at the Centre for Transnational Studies, University of Southampton, UK


  • 30.10.2012 "Authenticity, Multiplexity and Reflexivity of Language in Transnational Salsa Communities of Practice” at Research Workshop in Language & Literacy at King’s College, London, UK


Talks in Public/Political Contexts

  • 20.01.2021 Mehrsprachiges Berlin – Chancen und Ressourcen Integrationsforum Bezirk Treptow-Köpenick von Berlin


  • 16.07.2019 Leviathan Symposium Shezad Dawood 'The Leviathan Cycle Kunstverein München. "Containment Versus Liquidity: Linguistic Metaphorical Framing of Human Migration in an Age of Mobility


  • 17.05.2019 Deutscher Anwaltstag 2019, Leipzig. Keynote Vortrag: Sprache schafft Wirklichkeit - Rechtsstaat leben


  • 08.10.2018 Fachtagung 'Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance' Bezirksamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Berlin. Mehrsprachiges Berlin – Chancen und Perspektiven. 


  • 08.03.2017 Lingua Pankow, Bezirksamt Pankow, Berlin. Einladung zum Fachgespräch

Conference Presentations (Selection)

  • 11.07.2023 "Old wine in new bottles – politeness and affectivity in voice assistant use as co-constructing traditional forms of personhood, family and gender roles" At 18th conference of the International Pragmatics Association, Panel 'The Pragmatics of Human-Machine Interaction', Brussels, Belgium
  • 16.06.2023 "The Privatisation of Language: Commercial Language Management and its Effects on Standard Language Ideologies" Vortrag zusammen mit Iker Erdocia, Helen Kelly-Holmes und Bettina Migge, Whole Action Conference LITHME COST Network, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
  • 31.03.-01.04.2022 “Multilingualism and AI” at Standards – Margins – New Horizons II. Canons for 21st Century Teaching. International conference at Universität Bielefeld
  • 16.09.2021 “Creativity and diffusion as postcolonial resistance” GAL 2021, Panel Soziolinguistik, Würzburg, Germany (online)
  • 09.09.2021 “Liquid languages – Public constructions of language in settings of linguistic multiplicity” at Fifth International Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization Panel Language and Late Modern Publics at Universität Klagenfurt, Austria (online)
  • 10.07.2021 “Non-Western constructions of authenticity. Idiosyncrasy and creativity as concepts of authentic speakerhood in Belizean Kriol.” Panel “Biases in research: Who counts as ‚authentic’ bilingual speaker – and how can we tell?” at the 13th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Warsaw, Poland (online)
  • 28.6.2021 “Creole beyond national containers – Multiple axes of differentiation in language ideologies related to Belizean Kriol.” Conference of the Society for Pidgin & Creole Linguistics, Paris, France (online)
  • 29.01.2021. "Cultures of orality, cultures of literacy – implications for Belizean teachers." Belize International Symposium on Education - BISE, Belize 
  • 02.10.2020 "Silencing languages in discourse. Sociopolitical bases, language ideological effects." The Anechoic Chamber. Construction and Reception of Silence in Language, Literature, and History. Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung Bielefeld, Germany
  • 07.12.2019 "Von Gutenberg zu Alexa – Posthumanistische Perspektiven auf Sprachideologie." Mensch – Tier – Maschine. Panel der österreichischen Linguistiktagung 2019, Salzburg
  • 28.09.2019 "Converging offline and online ethnographic research: Insights from Belizean and Nigerian data sets." with Theresa Heyd at New Englishes, new methods – Workshop at BICLCE 2019, Bamberg.
  • 27.09.2019 "The sociolinguistic economy of Berlin." with Theresa Heyd at  Language and space in megacities – Developing an agenda for comparative research – Workshop at BICLCE 2019, Bamberg.
  • 19.09.2019 "Gaining an emic perspective – discussing the value of ethnography in understanding constructions of belonging in contexts of diversity" with Rita Tamara Vallentin at Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity. Practices, Ideologies and Policies now and then, Essen
  • 14.06.2019 "Cyborg languages – collective language norms in the age of Artificial Intelligence." at 16th International Pragmatics Conference Hong Kong, Panel: Posthumanist pragmatics: linguistic encounters in the digital uncanny valley.
  • 06.09.2018 "Public life and hidden language practice. Language choice in media in multilingual Belize." 2nd Conference on Sociolinguistics at Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary
  • 27.04.2018 ""It's all about Quality!" – Constructing transnational elite culture through coffee" Talking about Food: Local & Global Contexts. Conference at University of Bayreuth, Germany
  • 18.01.2018 “Heterogeneity in a rural place – planetary urbanization and the role of economic orders in the creation of homogeneity and diversity.” Language, Place, Periphery. Conference at University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 18.07.2017. “Linguistic immobility on a global job market – postcolonial language ideologies in the tourism industry of Belize.” Invited at International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Panel “Multilingualism, Mobility, and Work” (organised by Melissa Moyer, Gema Rubio)
  • 17.03.2017. “Language policies in an age of language contact, globalization and sociolinguistic hierarchies – learning from the ‘periphery’” Fourth InternationalConference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization, University of Greifswald, Germany
  • 15.06.2016. “Liquid borders, liquid communities – theorising on the concept of community with data from superdiverse Belize” at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 in Murcia, Spain, Panel “‘Community’ in Sociolinguistics Today” (organised by Véronique Lacoste and Brooke Bolander, other panel speakers: Peter L. Patrick, Miriam Meyerhoff, Marco Jacquemet, Daniel Silva)
  •  07.04.2016. “Kaleidoskopes of indexicality – the multiplex symbolic functions of language in contexts of unfocused categories” at Language, Indexicality and Belonging Conference, University of Oxford, UK
  • 22.01.2016  " Language differentiation in multilingual and ethnically diverse contexts –
    fuzzy but socially salient boundaries in Belize." VALS-ASLA Conference 2016. The Process of Differentiation: Language Practices in Social Interpretation, University of Geneva, Switzerland 
  • 20.06.2015 "Overcoming methodological nationalism – discussing multiplex indexicalities of languages in Belize" at  Globalising Sociolinguistics Conference, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
  • 30.10.2014  "Creole ‘acts of identity’ in multilingual Belize" at 4ème Colloque International des Etudes Créoles, in Aix-en-Provence, France
  • 16.06.2014 "Emerging indexicalities in transnational Caribbean settings" at Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, in Jyväskylä, Finland, with Véronique Lacoste
  • 29.04.2014 “Inequality and symbolic functions of language” Symposium on Language and Inequality of the Study Group on Language and the UN, New York, USA
  • 31.03.-03.04.2014 “Language ideologies beyond ethnicity and discourses of endangerment – observations from transnational Caribbean music styles” at 36th International LAUD Symposium, Landau, Germany
  • 06.09.2013 “’Acts of identity’ in Belize. Postcolonial – postnational?” at International Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics at Universität Bremen, Germany
  • 16.04.2013 “Post-national ‘Acts of Identity’? Language odeologies in Belize and the social functions of language choice in an Age of Superdiversity” at Englishes in a Multilingual World. New Dynamics of Variation, Contact and Change at Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Germany


  • 14.09.2012 “The Relevance of Ethnography for Sociolinguistic Theory” Poster presentation at Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication. Analysis and Impact in Linguistic Ethnography at University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 21.08.2012 “Superdiverse Authenticities? The Complex Links of Social and Linguistic Categories in Contemporary Musical Scapes” at Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, Panel ‘Superdiversity’ in Berlin, Germany
  • 27.11.2011 “Oh Boy, ¿hablas español?’ – The Quest for Authenticity and its Functions in Transnational Salsa Communities of Practice” at Indexing Authenticity: Perspectives from Linguistics and Anthropology at Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Germany
  • 03.09.2010 “Transnational Language Use and Music Scapes” at Sociolinguistics Symposium 18 in Southampton, UK
  • 14.05.2010 “Spanish Language Crossings around the World” at Contested Communities: Communication, Narration, Imagination, GNEL Conference in Bayreuth, Germany
  • 14.04.2010 “Symbolic Functions of Language in National and Transnational Contexts” at New Challenges for Multilingualism in Europe conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • 02.02.2009 “Migrant Multilingualism and? – or? Cosmopolitan Multilingual Chic” at AILA Migration and Language Research Network - 3rd International Seminar on Language and Migration in Barcelona, Spain
  • 25.08.2008 “Multilingualism and What it Means in Different Contexts - Australia and Germany Compared” at AILA 2008: Multiligualism – Challenges and Opportunities in Essen, Germany
  • 04.06.2008 “Mediating a Global Salsa – Multilingualism in Urban Leisure Contexts. Language Ideologies in Transnational Salsa Communities of Practice in Sydney/Australia” at Mediating Multilingualism – Meanings and Modalities conference in Jyväskylä, Finland
  • 07.07.2007 “¿salsa no tiene frontera? Ideologies of Language and Belonging in German Salsa Scenes” at Language, Discourse and Identity in Central Europe, conference in Southampton, UK