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Viadrina Model United Nations 2013: The United Nations Security Council Session on the Syrian Civil War

3/5/6/8 ECTS

Blockseminar: BA / MA, BA Sozialwissenschaften-Einführung (6 ECTS) / Sozialwissenschaften-Vertiefung (8 ECTS) /

Praxisrelevante Fertigkeiten (5 ECTS) // MASS Optionsmodul (6 ECTS) //

MICS Intercultural Practice (6 ECTS) // MES praxisrelevante Fertigkeiten (6 ECTS)

Blockseminar, Ort: wird bekannt gegeben

The violent response of the Syrian government to oppositional protests in March 2011 caused an armed conflict which is still ongoing today. An UN mission, conducted between April and August 2012 was not able to put an end to it. Therefore, potential spillover effects on neighbouring countries as well as the continued violence still threaten this region. The aim of this seminar is to give students the opportunity to experience how diplomacy works and how it may help to solve international conflicts, but also, what its limitations are. They will then have the opportunity to act as “delegates” in the 2013 simulation of the “Viadrina Model United Nations”. Delegates will discuss issues concerning the violent conflicts in Syria, its effects on bordering states as well as the situation of refugees in different committees. Their goal will be to provide an internationally negotiated and unified resolution to the conflicts discussed in their committees. Lectures held by invited experts will complement the simulation and provide the participants with additional information.

Literatur: Gareis, Sven Bernhard; Varwick, Johannes (2006): Die Vereinten Nationen: Aufgaben, Instrumente und Reformen, Opladen: Leske +

Budrich; Hufner, Klaus (1995): UNO Planspiele: Model United Nations (MUN), Bonn: UNO-Verlag.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: The number of participants is limited. Please send a binding application by April 25th to You will find information regarding the application on our homepage:

Hinweise zum Blockseminar: 17.06.-21.06.2013

Leistungsnachweis: Participants must attend all meetings and do specific preparation for the MUN session (position paper, opening speech, policy research, training in conference rules). Further requirements may vary depending on your study programme. For details visit our homepage (

Sprache: Englisch