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Wintersemester 2005/2006

Prof. Dr. Timm Beichelt
European Integration: the political perspective

Master of Arts: Modul 2: Sozialwissenschaften
Diplomstudiengang: Schwerpunkt: Soziale Bewegungen – Institutionen – Kulturelle Orientierungen
Master of European Studies: Bereich Politik
Donnerstag, 11-13 Uhr Ort: GD Hs 8
First lecture: 20.10.05

Exam results (pdf)

This lecture is conceptualized as an introductory course to the political aspects of European integration. There will be lectures, among others, on the history of European integration, national states in the European Union, theories of European integration, institutions of the European Union, and aspects of the enlargement of the European Union. The lecture serves as an introduction into the area ("Bereich") politics within the Master of European Studies.

Literature for preparatory reading:

Beichelt, Timm (2004), Die EU nach der Osterweiterung. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Dinan, Desmond (1999). Ever closer union? An introduction to European integration. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Macmillan.

Hix, Simon (2005). The Political System of the European Union. New York, St. Martin's Press.

List, Martin (1999). Baustelle Europa. Einführung in die Analyse europäischer Kooperation und Integration. Opladen, Leske + Budrich.

Rosamond, Ben (2000). Theories of European Integration. Houndsmills, MacMillan.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung:

While the lecture is open to students of all levels, certificates ("Scheine") can only be obtained on the MA level.


2 Essays + exam or term paper (2 Essays + Klausur oder Hausarbeit)

ERASMUS students of various levels are welcome but obliged to take part in the exam for a certificate (= no term papers for exchange students - too many of them have turned in falsified term papers in recent years, and the group is too big to control it)

Taking part in the two essays only brings 4 ECTS credits (for exchange students)

Downloads (deleted)

General Information on the Lecture (schedule, essay questions, bibliography etc.)

History of European Integration

European Institutions I

European Institutions II

  • Decision-Making Procedure
  • Budgetary Procedure
  • Consultation Procedure
  • Co-Decision Procedure
  • Co-Operation Procedure
  • Main Policy Areas Covered by the EU´s Legislative Procedure Table I/Table II

Policies of the European Union

  • The Pendulum of Policy-Making (Wallace/Wallace)
  • The Political System Model (Almond/Powell 1978)
  • The Political System Model (Almond/Powell/Mundt 1996)

Theories of European Integration

Democracy and Legitimacy in the EU

Governance in the EU

Teaching Evaluation