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Master of Arts
in European Studies

Program Structure

General Info about the Program Structure

"I already spent an Erasmus semester in Turkey and wanted to learn more about Turkey (culture, history, language). Also, it is in interesting place to study the program as I wrote my thesis on the part Turkey plays in conceptualizing Europe."
(Alumni, 2013)

The "BİLGİ / Viadrina Double Degree in European Studies" is a joint program between the Graduate School of Social Sciences of Istanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul (Turkey), and the The Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences of European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany). After completing the double degree program successfully students will be entitled to two degrees in European Studies.

Double Degree students usually spend their first and second semester at their home universities and during their semesters abroad they are registered as regular students/double degree students at the partner university. Credits gained at the partner university will be acknowledged and transfered to the home institution and count towards the Master degree. Courses can be selected according to the students’ chosen major (usually in the field of politics). At İstanbul Bilgi University the courses can be chosen from both the European Studies and International Relations Course Lists. At European University Viadrina students are allowed to choose their courses from European Studies Course List. Here you can find the current course catalogue and more up-to-date information (in German).

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The Master thesis is usually written during the fourth semester under co-supervision of professors from both universities. A minimum of 30 ECTS in addition to the Master thesis and oral exam (24 + 6 ECTS) must be achieved during the study abroad. Here you can find the conversion scale for master programs. Your grades will be transferred according to this table.

Example of a Double Degree Curriculum (Viadrina and BİLGİ Students/Political Science)

Here you can find a list of sample master thesis topics.

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