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International PhD Study Programme

With the launch of the International PhD Study Programme in Social and Cultural Sciences - one of the first such programmes in the Berlin-Brandenburg region - in the Summer Term 2021, PhD researchers will be offered new perspectives and opportunities for their qualifcation

They may benefit from a clearly structured and dense PhD programme including committed supervision. The programme offers attractive support structures, both financial and human-based. Beside classical research, the programme focuses on Key Qualification workshops as well as career development courses. The researchers have the opportunity to work out their own teaching profile and to acquire techniques of networking

The opening of the PhD Study Programme goes hand in hand with the opening of a new graduate school in Literature and History with a focus on non-simultaneity in Central/Eastern Europe in the summer term 2021.

The Faculty provides PhD researchers admitted to the Study Programme with start-up and completion grants as well as support grants for travelling, publishing and conference participation, too.

We are looking forward to your application!


Admission to the PhD Study Programme has to be requested via the registration of your PhD at the Faculty (“Promotionszulassung”), which includes the submission of the PhD agreement signed by you and both supervisors. The only pre-condition for being admitted to the PhD Study Programme when compared with the individual PhD is indeed to have a second supervisor ready to sign the PhD agreement. Please beware of § 8, § 28 and § 30 of the PhD regulations: One of the supervisors has to be member of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences whereas the additional supervisor may come from one of the other Faculties at Viadrina University or from an external university. In any case, both supervisors must have completed a habilitation or prove equivalent qualifications.

The requests for admission to the PhD Study Programme will be carefully checked by the PhD board in its meeting taking place in the second half of March and in the second half of September of a given year. If you wish to take part in the PhD Study Programme, you will have to request admission by March 15th or by September 15th of a given year using one of the following procedures:

- by requesting admission to the PhD procedure (in case you are not yet admitted to the PhD procedure), ticking the relevant box on the PhD agreement, please see § 8 (esp. section 3) and § 28 of the new PhD regulations


- or by requesting a change of the existing PhD agreement (in case you are already admitted to the PhD procedure), also ticking the relevant box on the PhD agreement. Together with the request, you should submit the new PhD agreement signed by both supervisors.

Please use exclusively the form of the PhD agreement which you find under the rubrique "Regulations". This is valid for the PhD Study Programme as well as for the individual PhD.

Requests are to be addressed to the head of the PhD board, Prof. Dr. Andrea Allerkamp, Große Scharrnstr. 59, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder) and may be handed in to Ms Kathrin Göritz, responsible for the PhD and habilitation procedures at the Faculty (room HG 062).

It is a structured PhD programme with the following features:

  • The PhD Study Programme includes a curriculum of 180 ECTS credits.
  • Each doctoral researcher has a supervision team of at least two supervisors.
  • Each doctoral researcher has to undergo yearly evaluation procedures aiming at measuring the PhD progress as well the earned ECTS credits.
  • The standard period of study is three years. The maximal PhD duration allowed is four years.
  • The Faculty offers extensive financial support, amongst others in the form of start-up grants as well as positions in a graduate school. However, there is no guarantee of financial support for researchers admitted to the PhD Study Programme.
  • All disciplines represented at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences are eligible for admission to the PhD Study Programme.

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