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since October 19 Scholarship holder of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation
September 19 Second research stay and data collection in the German National Rajon of the Altai Krai
Scholarship holder in the Viadrina International Program - for Graduates (VIP) of the EUV
since May 18  Research Assistant at the EUV

Wirking title of the PhD: Zur Morphosyntax russlanddeutscher Sprachinseldialekte – Eine korpuslinguistischen Untersuchung im Deutschen Nationalrajon (Altai, Russland) (surveyed by Prof. Dr. Konstanze Jungbluth and Prof. Dr. Horst Simon)
May 17 - March 18 Graduate Assistant at the Chair of Pragmatics and Contrastive Linguistics at the EUV (Prof. Dr. Konstanze Jungbluth)
August 16 - April 17

March 17
Semester abroad at the Altai State Pedagogical University Barnaul
Scholarship holder in the program ‚Metropolen in Osteuropa‘ of the German National Academic Foundation in cooperation with the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Foundation

First research stay and data collection in the German National Rajon of the Altai Krai
April 15 - March 18 Master of Arts in Language, Communication and Cultures in Europe (MAKS); Track Linguistic Research at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

MA-thesis: Sprachtod = Spracherwerb rückwärts? –Zu (grammatischen) Entwicklungstendenzen in der deutschen Sprachinsel der Altai-Region – eine korpuslinguistische Untersuchung (surveyed by Dr. Peter Rosenberg und Prof. Dr. Nicole Richter)
April 13 - March 14 Tutor for the seminar 'German Language Change' at the FU Berlin
June 12 - June 14 Student Assistant at the Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures of the FU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Horst Simon)
October 09 - March 15

Bachelor of Arts in Political Sceince and German Language (teaching position in school) at the Free University Berlin

BA-thesis: "Wer betrügt, der fliegt" - Die politische Debatte um ,Sozialtourismus‘ als Folge der EU-Freizügigkeit für Rumänien und Bulgarien Ende 2013 / Anfang 2014 
(surveyed by Prof. Dr. Klaus Roth und Prof. Dr. Josef Klein) 
October 08 - September 09 Bachelor in Latin and Russian at the University of Potsdam (cancelled)

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