Poland and the EU: Regions and regional policy in focus
3/6/9 ECTS
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa // MES: WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 20.04.2023
The EU regional policy is one of the most important and influential amongEuropean countries. Launched 50 years ago, itwas,
however, not until the EU enlargement in 2004 that regional policy became impactful for citizens and local communities withits
special funds and programs. The new member states (such as Poland) and especially their regions became important subjects and
objects of the EU regional policy. This led to (1) a new territorial order, (2) the institutional framework building related to democracy
and (3) economic growth.
The course focuses on the analysis of EU regional policy, regional policy in Poland and European regionalisms. The course provides
the students with knowledge and skills necessary to understand the EUregional (cohesion) policy and regional policy in Poland.
Additionally, different types of regions, e.g. administrative, economic, cultural, metropolitan, rural and digital, will be examined.
European regionalisms movements will also be analyzed asinteresting case studies. Analytical skillsrelated to evidence-based
methodologies, Big Data analysis and qualitative approaches will be required during the seminar.
Literatur:Bachtler J. 2021. Towards Cohesion Policy 4.0. Routledge. Bremberg N., Gillespie R., 2022. Catalonia, Scotland and
the EU: Visions of Independece and Integration. Routledge. Churski P., Heredowicz T., Konecka-Szydłowska B., Perdal R., 2022.
European Regional Development. Springer, Berlin. Cofelice A. 2018. Parliamentary Institutions in Regional and International
Governance: Functions and Power. Routledge. Craemer T., 2018. European Cohesion Policy and European Regional Development
Fund. Conditional Effectiveness and Convergence in the Slow – Model. Routledge. EU Cohesion Policy. Reassesing Performance and
Direction. Ed. J. Bachtler, P. Berkowitz, S. Hardy, T. Muravska (eds). Routlege, Taylor and Francis Group 2017. Miszczuk A., Jakubowski
A., Evolution of the EU Cohesion Policy Towards Border Regions. Lublin, KUL, 2015.
Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: The number of participants is limited. Please register with your student ID (Matrikelnummer) until 10
April to mes_students@europa-uni.de.
Leistungsnachweise:Attendance; presentation or presentation and essay (10-12 pages) or presentation and paper (20-25 pages)
Sprache: Englisch
European Entrepreneurship
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MES: Zentralbereich Politik // MES: WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 19.04.2023
Entrepreneurship has become one of the most important issues in European economics and politics over the last twenty years. It
is often defined as a key factor for economic growth and overcoming refugee crises, (post-)pandemic crises like SARS-COV 19 or
energy crises. Entrepreneurship has been defined as an object of European policy (economic policy, social policy) in the context of
sustainability and digital transition. On the other hand, it is also an everyday activity of “Europeanness” in family businesses, self-
employment, social or ethnic entrepreneurship.
The aim of the course is to study the entrepreneurial activity of Europeans, focusing on the analysis of EU economic and
social policies and entrepreneurship as a social and cultural phenomenon. The course provides knowledge and skills necessary
to understand European entrepreneurship in an interdisciplinary way. Students attending this course will acquire a thorough
knowledge of how European entrepreneurship has become established in the economy and public policy, what the relationship
between the European economy and society/culture is, how European policy supports everyday activities through programs and
instruments, how Europeans respond to innovation policy, what is characteristic for self-employment and family business, and
finally, whether social entrepreneurship is developing in the European context.
Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: The number of participants is limited. Please register with your student ID (Matrikelnummer) until 10
April to mes_students@europa-uni.de.
Alle Hinweise finden sie im Moodlekurs.
Leistungsnachweise:Attendance and essay (10-12 pages)
Sprache: Englisch