
Aktuelle Projekte

The Jean Monnet Policy Network "ValEUs" focuses on investigating the foreign policy of the European Union (EU) and the attacks on its values. It aims to identify contradictions between the ("European") values promoted by the EU and the way in which these values are put into practice in the EU's actions. This question is being addressed by a research network led by the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), which has been funded for three years from January 2024. The project involves 20 partner institutions from 17 countries on five continents.

MORES is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to investigate how moral emotions, especially positive ones, contribute to the stabilisation of political identities and how they, especially negative ones, trigger division and polarisation. MORES aims to better understand the political role of moral emotions in order to develop a normative-analytical framework to inform democratic decision-making on how moral emotions should interact with values, policies and political practices. Within the project, Timm Beichelt and Daniel Illger enquire into the display and construction of emotions in TV series with political content.