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Introduction to Queer Studies

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick


Seminar (Präsenz-Veranstaltung): Kulturwissenschaften: Einführung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung

Di, 11:15 - 12:45 Uhr

Ort: GD 206

This seminar offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Queer Studies from anthropological and sociological perspectives. Starting from the historical and cultural transformation of sexual identities and sexual politics, we examine their development in the context of European imperial and nation-state-centered modernities. We also address the emergence of social movements focused on non-normative sexual and gender identities, and the deconstruction of gender-binarisms and sexuality in the context of queer academic critiques. Intersectional perspectives relating to the intersection of sexuality and gender with hierarchies of class, ‘race’ and ethnicity will be relevant throughout, and situated both historically as well as geopolitically.

Sprache: Englisch