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Gendering Borders and Migration

Dr. Latife Akyüz

3/6/9 ECTS

MA-Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS/MES: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory

Di, 14:15-15:45 Uhr

Ort: AM 205

Dissolution of the Soviet Union toward the end of 1980s and the end of a bipolar world order, borders being opened, shut down, or redrawn, the expansion policies of the European Union, and the increasing mobility of people, money, commodities, and ideas in this New World Order facilitated a discussion of borders with new concepts. Instead of focusing on borders with a state-centered approach, within this new phase, identity, gender, ethnicity, and culture have become major issues for border-centered scholars. The aim of this course is to assess and analyze these contemporary debates on nation-state and its borders and to take a closer look at gendered structure of migration by using an intersectional lens.

Amelina, A. & Lutz, H. 2019. Gender and migration: Transnational and intersectional Prospects. Routledge.
Wastl-Walter, Doris , "The Ashgate Research Companion to Border Studies" (Abingdon: Routledge, 20 Jul 2011 ), accessed 28 Feb 2022 , Routledge Handbooks Online.
Yuval-Davis, N. (1997). Gender & nation. London: Sage Publications.

3 ECTS: 3 reflection papers + participation in a presentation group.
6 ECTS: 6 reflection papers + participation in a presentation group.
9 ECTS: 6 reflection papers + participation in a presentation group + term paper (at least 15 pages).