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Cultures of Migration

Dr. Özlem Savaş

BA Seminar-Vertiefung: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften; REPO: Recht und Politik im transnationalen Kontext

6/9 ECTS

Di, 11:15 - 12:45 Uhr

Ort: Raum AM K12

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 17.04.2023

This seminar focuses on cultural practices, forms, and mediums that emerge through migration experiences. By avoiding the confined idea of “migrant” cultures, it explores how unbounded, complex, fluid, and plural cultural spheres that are created through diverse forms of mobility shape and reshape contemporary societies. In this seminar, we will discuss artistic, intellectual and more everyday forms of expression and creativity across diverse mediums such as art, visual culture, social media, film, music, literature, blogosphere and everyday aesthetics. In doing so, we will critically address a range of concepts and debates that are significant to the study of migration, diaspora and exile including belonging, transnationalism, translocality, cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, diversity, and postmigrant society as well as the key concepts of culture, place, identity, and mobility.

Sprache: Englisch