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What is Europe?

Minkenberg, Michael


M.E.S., Grundmodul 2 (Einführung in die Grundlagen der Europäischen Integration)
Di 11:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Raum: GD 202


Registration in moodle is required!

This course examines ideas about Europe in various dimensions. These include aspects of European divisions as well as unity, European integration, the concept of the East, presumed correlates of European identity such as religion, the particularities of European cities and capitals. It is an interdisciplinary approach to Europe but its center of gravity lies with the social sciences. The course is organized in five topical packages, each of which contains a more historical and a more present-day component.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: good command of English language (active and passive)

Leistungsnachweise:  regular attendance and participation (20%) , student presentation incl. handout (20%), 1 essay (30%) and final examination (30%)



results Pop Quiz  No.1+2+3+4