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The movie we live in. Understanding European Integration Theories through Popular Movies


Seminar: BA, Sozialwissenschaften-Einführung

Blockseminar, Ort: AM k12, Veranstaltungsbeginn: 28.10.2013

Why do states transfer sovereignty to the European level? Who is the EU and what is the role it assumes? The blockseminar provides a brief intoduction to Europen integration theories. The aim of the blockseminar is to familiarize the students with the key concepts and the competing theoretical perspectives in the filed of European integration. We will discuss the various theoretical approaches and unfold the respective assumptions made therein. The reason why we decided to focus on integration theories is that theories, rather than EU institutions and policies, help us explain processes and outcomes and help to formulate expectations about future developments. Although the seminar deals with the theory of European integration, the students will be encouraged to engage with the conceps and theoretical approaches in a new manner, by applying the ideas discussed in class to fictional cases, to films. We will make use of popular movies in order to explain and critically assess integration theories, by this allowing for a deeper understanding of abstract concepts such as federalism, intergovernmentalism, neo-functionalism, Europanization.

Literatur: Wird bei der Einführungsveranstaltung bekanntgegeben.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: regelmäßige Teilnahme, aktive Mitarbeit, Englisch

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Students are expected to study all assigned readings and have a short presentation in class. They will have the opportunity to watch the movies and use them as a base for the discussion of the theories.

Hinweise zum Blockseminar: Vorbesprechung: Montag, 28. Oktober 2013: 14 – 16 Uhr

Blockseminar: Donnerstag bis Samstag, 16. – 18. Januar und 23.-25. Januar: 13:30 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr

Leistungsnachweis: Hausarbeit

Sprache: English

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