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Viadrina Model United Nations (ViaMUN)

Simulation einer Sitzung des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen

3 bis 9 ECTS für MES, MASS; MICS,

4 bis 8 ECTS für BA Kuwi

Seminar: BA/MA, Praxisrelevante Fertigkeiten


5. Fach für WiWis, Rewi

Model United Nations serves as a means for students to experience the practice of international politics at the level of the United Nations. By simulating one of the organs of the UN students will be able to better understand the complexity of international negotiations on the basis of a specific current issue. Students represent member states or non-governmental organizations during session, research their positions and debate on the basis of their country´s policy. In this process students may deepen their knowledge on a specific conflict, learn which steps must be taken to pass a resolution and gain practical skills, such as how to write a resolution, how to debate and negotiate, and which proper diplomatic terms to use. The seminar comprises two parts: In the first session, serving as a first orientation for subsequent individual preparation, participants are to present and to discuss specific topics of the situation or question dealt with (which will be announced during the preparation meeting). The second part is the actual MUN simulation of a Security Council Session on that situation.


Gareis, Sven Bernhard: Die Vereinten Nationen: Aufgaben, Instrumente und Reformen. Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 2002; Hüfner, Klaus: UNO-Planspiele: Model United Nations (MUN). Bonn: UNO-Verlag, 1995.


Good command of the English language is required.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung:

The number of participants is limited. Please send a binding application including a short letter of motivation, name, field and year of study, as well as your country/NGO preference by 10th April, 2008 to

Termine für das Blockseminar:

23.04.08, 18 - 20 Uhr, AM 03
16.05.08, 9 - 20 Uhr, AM 105
17.05.08, 9 - 20 Uhr, AM 105
05.06.08, 18 - 20 Uhr, AM ?
06.06.08, 9 - 20 Uhr, AM 03
07.06.08, 9 - 20 Uhr, AM 03


Participants must attend all meetings, prepare an oral presentation and a term paper on a particular topic, and do specific preparation for the MUN session (position paper, opening paper, opening speech, policy research training in conference rules).



Website (Achtung, neue Adresse!):