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Samuel Bewerbung(1)(1) ©Eleazar

Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft


  • Historical Theory(-ies)
  • History of Globalisation, colonialism and imperialism
  • Commodity Chain Analysis (insb. tropical botanics)
  • Post-colonial studies and non-human agency
  • History of the industrialisation, hygene and the Modern era in Middle-Europe

Contributions in Edited Volumes:

Coerced Labor in Cameroon and Industrial Progress in Wilhelmine Germany, 1884-1914, in: Dale W. Tomich and Paul E. Lovejoy (eds.), The Atlantic and Africa. The Second Slavery and Beyond, Albany: SUNY Press 2021.

Securing Resources for the Industries of Wilhelmine Germany. Tropical Agriculture and Phytopathology in Cameroon and Togo, 1884-1914, in: Ulrike Kirchberger and Brett M. Bennet (eds.), Environments of Empire. Networks and Agents of Ecological Change, Chapel Hill: UNC Press 2020.

(with Klaus Weber) Made in Germany. Deutsche Industrieprodukte für die Welt, in: Jürgen Elvers/ Martina Elvers (eds.), Agenten, Akteure, Abenteurer. Beiträge zur Ausstellung „Europa und das Meer“ am Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2018.

Journal Articles

Hanseatic Merchants and the Procurement of Palm Oil and Rubber for Wilhelmine Germany’s New Industries, 1850-1918, in: European Review 26 (2018) 3.

Conference Procedings:

"Südosteuropa ist tot? Lang lebe Südosteuropa! Positionierungen in einem interdisziplinären Forschungsfeld", 10. Dr. Fritz-Exner-Kolloquium zur Südosteuropaforschung 10/13/2021 – 10/15/2021 Frankfurt/Oder and online, in: H-Soz-Kult, 04/08/2022.

Since 2015: Doctorate on the history and cultural impact of surgical and hygienic rubber goods using the example of the Berlin-based company C. Müller Gummiwaaren-Fabrik (1875-1948) with Prof Dr Klaus Weber (Europa-Universität Viadrina)

2013–2014: Academic staff with the Chair of Economic and Social History at Europa-Universität Viadrina

2005–2013: degree in Cultural Sciences (BA) and European Cultural History (MA) at Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)

WiSe 2014/15: Zucker, Kaffee, Tabak, Kautschuk – Commodity Chains in historischer Perspektive, 1500-1900. BA seminar

SoSe 2014: Geschichtstheorie(n). BA seminar

WiSe 2013/14: Botanische Gärten und Plantagengesellschaften im Zeitalter des Imperialismus, 1850-1914. BA seminar

Nachwuchsnetzwerk HiKo_21 of the Historischen Kommission zu Berlin

  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH 213

+49 335 5534 2327