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Dr. Jan Musekamp

Musekamp_Jan_MG_6074 ©Frau Fest Presseabteilung der EUV
Since 2018, Dr. Jan Musekamp is working at the History Department of the University of Pittsburgh.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Jan Musekamp teaches Eastern European History at the European University Viadrina and is a non-resident fellow with International and Area Studies at Washington University in St. Louis. In his doctoral thesis (2008: European University Viadrina, PhD equivalent, summa cum laude) he focuses on forced migrations and cultural appropriation in the Polish border city of Szczecin between 1945 and 2005. In his diploma thesis (2002: European University Viadrina, M.A. equivalent) Jan Musekamp did extensive research on forced migrations in Brno/Czech Republic between 1938 and 1948. The manuscript of his second book is currently under review:

A Cultural History of Transnational Mobility in East Central Europe.
How the Royal Prussian Eastern Railroad Connected Paris to St. Petersburg and Kovno to New York

His new research project deals with the history of the Volhynian Germans as a transnational history of migration and integration.

Jan Musekamp has studied abroad in Toruń/Poland and in Brno/Czech Republic and has tought undergraduate and graduate courses in Germany, Poland, and the United States.

Curriculum Vitae with publications

Research Interests

Nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Polish and Czechoslovak cultural history; (forced) migrations in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe; cultural appropriation in Eastern European border regions;  economic and cultural changes through transport innovations; European transnational history; opposition and transformation in Eastern Europe.

Jan Musekamp contributes to the following research networks:

Migration, Identity, and State, Washington University in St. Louis

Phantom Borders in East Central Europe, Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin

Tensions of Europe Network

Important Publications
  • From Paris to St. Petersburg and from Kovno to New York. A Cultural History of Transnational Mobility in East Central Europe, currently under review.

  • Migration and Mobility in the Modern Age. Refugees, Travelers, and Traffickers in Europe and Eurasia, eds. Anika Walke, Jan Musekamp, and Nicole Svobodny (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017, pp. 352).
  • Zwischen Stettin und Szczecin. Metamorphosen einer Stadt von 1945 bis 2005 [From Stettin to Szczecin. Metamorphoses of a City, 1945-2005], (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010, pp. 423).
    Polish edition: Między Stettinem a Szczecinem. Metamorfozy miasta od 1945 do 2005 (Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2013, pp. 466).

  • "Eydtkuhnen and Verzhbolovo: Big History and Local Experiences: Migration and Identity in a European Borderland," in Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space, eds. Tabea Linhard and Timothy Parsons, forthcoming 2018 (Palgrave MacMillan, New York).

  • "Saisonale Migration als Bedrohung für den Staat? ›Sachsengänger‹ und die Eisenbahn im östlichen Preußen vor 1914, in Migrationsregime vor Ort und lokales Aushandeln von Migration, ed. Jochen Oltmer, forthcoming 2017 (Springer VS).

  • "Paris – St. Petersburg: Shrinking Spaces in the Nineteenth Century," in Migration and Mobility in the Modern Age: Refugees, Travelers, and Traffickers in Europe and Eurasia, eds. Nicole Svobodny, Jan Musekamp, and Anika Walke (Bloomington/Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2016), 35-54.

  • "Die Ostbahn im Spannungsfeld zwischen geostrategischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen und der Verfassungsfrage" [The Eastern Railroads at the Center of Geostrategic, Economic, and Constitutional Questions], in Preußenland und Preußen. Polyzentrik im Zentralstaat 1525-1945, eds.  Bernhart Jähnig, Jürgen Klosterhuis, and Wulf D. Wagner, (Osnabrück: fibre, 2016), 153-182.

  • "Friedrich List, die Eisenbahn, das Militär und Europa" [Friedrich List, the Railroad, the Military, and Europe], in Themenportal Europäische Geschichte (2015), URL:

  • "DX-Nr. 7150 und der Waffenstillstand im Äther" [DX No. 7150 and the Cease-Fire on Airwaves], in: Stille Revolutionen: Die Neuformierung der Welt seit 1989, eds. Katharina Kucher, Gregor Thum and Sören Urbansky, forthcoming Frankfurt am Main and New York 2013 (Campus-Verlag), 187-196.

  • "The Royal Prussian Eastern Railway (Ostbahn) and its Importance for East-West Transportation," in: Eastern European Railways in Transition. 19th to 21st Centuries, eds. Ralf Roth and Henry Jacolin (Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2013), 117-127.

  • "Szczecin`s Identity after 1989: A Local Turn," in Cities after the Fall of Communism. Reshaping Cultural Landscapes and European Identity, eds. John J. Czaplicka, Nida Gelazis, and Blair A. Ruble (Baltimore and Washington: John Hopkins University Press, 2009), 305-334.

  • [co-author with Katja Bernhardt], "1945-ein Bruch? Stadtplaner in Stettin und Szczecin," [1945-a Caesura? Urban Planner in Stettin and Szczecin], Nordost-Archiv. Zeitschrift für Regionalgeschichte, N.F. 15 (2006): 38-59.

  • "Brno/Brünn 1938-1948. Eine Stadt in einem Jahrzehnt erzwungener Wanderungen," [Brno/Brünn 1938-1948. A City in Times of Forced Migrations], Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 53 (2004): 1-45.

Curriculum Vitae with publications

Fellowships and Awards
  • Gerald D. Feldman Research and Travel Grant, Max Weber Foundation to conduct research in archives in Poland, France and Russia (2013-2014)

  • Post-doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities (Volkswagen Foundation) at Washington University in Saint Louis (2012-2013)

  • DAAD Visiting Assistant Professorship at The University of Texas at Austin (2011)

  • Award of the Ambassador of Poland to Germany for best German Dissertation on Poland (2008)

  • Research Grant by ZEIT-Foundation Hamburg/Germany (2003-2006)

  • Special Research Grant of the Viadrina Graduate Center (2004)

Memberships in Professional Organizations
  • Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)

  • Verband der Osteuropahistorikerinnen und -historiker e.V.
    (Association of Historians in Eastern European History, VOH)

  • International Association for Railway History (Administration Board)

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V.
    (German Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, DGO)

  • Gemeinschaft für studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa
    (Association for Students' Exchange in Central and Eastern Europe, GFPS e.V.)

  • Institute for Applied History at Frankfurt (Oder)
    (Institut für angewandte Geschichte - Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft im Dialog e.V.)