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Research Project: Bookmaking in Exile

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Bookmaking in Exile: The correspondence of the German division of the Amsterdam Allert de Lange publishing house with their authors (1933-1940) (publication of letters)

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schoor

Chair project

Project duration
since 2017

The publication of the letter edition of the German department of the Amsterdam Allert de Lange publishing house aims to document the correspondence with their authors. Between 1933 and 1940, 91 books by 49 authors have been published, among them authors like Berthold Brecht, Max Brod, Joseph Roth, Stefan Zweig, Sigmund Freud, and Egon Erwin Kisch. With this publishing programme Allert de Lange belongs to one of the six publishing houses among the 800 publishers of German-language exile literature, situated in 36 countries around the world, that released more than 50 books.

The edition of letters is interesting not only as a documentation of the history of an important Dutch publishing house or because of the correspondence with the authors, it is also significant for the general history of book production in exile. The letters show a piece of the astonishing variety of the mental development processes which led to creative accomplishments. They make the characters, behavioural patterns, and life-circumstances of the authors visible and in a few, impressive letters, provide a key for the understanding of their work. Furthermore, they show the goals, programmes and economic pressure of publishing houses and in their entity testify to a part of the literary and political history of Europe.


Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schoor
Jessica Wolff (Student Assistent)