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Research Project: Explorations of a European Cultural Area: Contemporary Literary Discourse on Migration in Germany, Poland and Ukraine


Explorations of a European Cultural Area: Contemporary Literary Discourse on Migration in Germany, Poland and Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Ievgeniia Voloshchuk Dr. Kirsten Möller / Dr. Ryszard Kupidura

Funded by Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung

Project duration

The project takes up the challenges which occurred in relation to the current massive migration movement in Europe. The research project analyses the literary representation of migration experiences of population groups, which are/ were wandering between Poland, Germany, and Ukraine. These over centuries lasting migration processes recently were intensified due to a new phase of migration and they shape the political, social, and cultural situation in this European region.

The aim of the project is to analyse cultural models and aesthetic strategies, which are used for the literary (re)mapping of this European region by means of representative texts about migration movements between Germany, Poland, and Ukraine, which were written after 1989/1991 in various linguistic-cultural contexts.

The project consists of four parts. In the centre of the first part are the experiences of migration, diaspora and belonging in literary texts written by Polish-origin authors living in Germany. The second part is about the literary presentation of Ukrainian migration in Poland mostly between 2013/14 and 2020. In the third part the research focuses on the topography of Europe in the current German-language family histories, which are told from a (post) migrant perspective and connected to the Ukrainian and Polish sphere. The fourth and last part consists of a comparative study of German, Polish and Ukrainian literary migrant discourses, in which the central models and strategies of explorations of the European cultural space are discussed.


Prof. Dr. Ievgeniia Voloshchuk (project leader)
Dr. Kirsten Möller (project leader)
Dr. Ryszard Kupidura (project leader)