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Susanne Kather

Susanne_Kather_klein ©Susanne Kather

In November 2021, I started working at the Research and Digitization Project “Digital Archive of Jewish Authors in Berlin 1933-1945” (DAjAB). As a research associate I support the team‘s work in the final phase of the project. Holding a degree in political science and with a research focus on gender in national-socialist Germany, I enjoy working in an interdisciplinary project. My thesis „Nurses as Perpetrators of the National-Socialist Euthanasia Program. The Portrayal of Female Delinquency in the News Coverage of the ‚Munich Nurse Trial‘“ had been located on the intersection of Media Studies, History and Political Sciences. Stemming from my yearlong work as a Genealogist, I am well grounded in researching biographies of the 20th century as well as in understanding and working with all kinds of databases.