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GAL Conference 2015

General Information about GAL e.V.

Founded in 1968, GAL e.V. (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik; German Association for Applied Linguistics) is a linguistic and politically independent association. With approximately 1,000 members, it is one of the largest linguistic organizations in the German-speaking world.

GAL e.V.’s goal is to promote applied linguistics in all areas as well as encourage an academic exchange of research results. Hence, GAL e.V. connects activities and initiatives that involve research in and optimization of communication processes, language learning and language acquisition both in the everyday and professional settings.

 GAL e.V.’s Sessions

The sessions within GAL e.V. represent the key areas in Applied Linguistics. The number of sessions and its structure are not static, meaning they are regularly adapted to current developments. At the moment, the sessions include the following:

• Computer Linguistics

• Technical Communication

• Conversational Research

• Grammar and Grammaticography

• Intercultural Communication

• Lexicography

• Media Didactics and Media Competence

• Media Communication

• Multilingualism

• Migration Linguistics

• Phonetics and SpeechStudies

• Sociolinguistics

• Language Didactics

• Textual Linguistics and Stylistics

• Translation and Interpreting

For more information, please visit the GAL e.V.’s official website: