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Curriculum Vitae

Scientific education and academic titles

2nd book/
Habilitation: Pragmatik der Demonstrativpronomina in den iberoromanischen Sprachen, Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany
Doctorate at the Eberhard Karls-University Tübingen «Die Tradition der Familienbücher. Das Katalanische während der Decadència» The dissertation was published in the series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, ed. Niemeyer, Tübingen (numerous reviews in in national and international journals), Max Pfister (Chief Editor).
1985 Magister Artium: “Die Situation des Katalanischen an den Schulen Barceloas heute”
1982-1985 Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main/Faculty of Philosophy/Philology of Romance Languages
1979-1982 Study of Romance Languages at the faculty of Philology/NEUE ROMANIA and Political Sciences/ Freie Universität (FU), Berlin Degree in Romance Philology and Political Science in Berlin (FU), Focus of degree: new Romania and Frankfurt am Main (Romance philology and Latin America studies): MA 1985

 Professional career at the university

since 10/2019 Director of Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION /European University Viadrina/ Frankfurt (Oder)
2009 – 2014 Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences/ European University Viadrina/ Frankfurt (Oder)
since 10/2007 Professor of Linguistics (Chair of Pragmatics & Contrastive Linguistics), Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences/ European University Viadrina/ Frankfurt (Oder)
04/2006 - 09/2007 Professor (substitute) Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences/ European University Viadrina/ Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
2005-03/2006 Professor (substitute) Linguistics of Romance Languages, Faculty of Cultural Sciences/ University of Passau
2003-2005 Professor (substitute) Linguistics of Romance Languages, Faculty of Cultural Sciences/ University of Passau, Germany
SS 2003 Professor (substitute) School of Romance Languages, Faculty of Modern Languages/ University of Tübinge, Germany
2001- 2003 Substitution for Head of Department at the University of Erfurt: Ibero-Romance Linguistics (C4), Germany
1999-2001 Researcher in the field of special research 441 «Linguistic Data Structure. Theoretical and Empirical Principles of Grammar Research» Project B9 Local and Temporal Deixis in the Romance Languages – History and Variation
1996-1998 Assistant in Brigitte Schlieben-Lange’s department, Romance Seminar at the University of Tübingen, Germany