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seit Juli 2022 Doctoral Scholarship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation
07/2021-06/2022 Start-Up Grant
for PhD research at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences of the Europa Universität Viadrina
01/2021-06/2021 Student Assistent Scholarship
for the Seminar Oral and Written Practice II at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)
03/2018-02/2020 National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) / Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology Grant
Scholarship for Master's degree at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)
Januar/Februar 2019 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Grant
for the University Winter Course in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates at InterDaF at the Herder Institute of the University of Leipzig (Germany)
August 2017 Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMFWF) Grant
for the training seminar for German teachers "Culture and Language” (Austria)
08/2015-12/2018 CETREINA/UERJ Scholarship
as German teacher of the LICOM Project at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
08/2013-03/2014 International Academic Mobility Grant
for Undergraduate Students of Universidade Federal Fluminense to a international exchange at the Universität zu Köln (Germany)
März/Juli 2013 National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) / Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology Grant
as a researcher in History of Science at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)
03/2010-07/2013 Junior Scientific Research Scholarship (PIBIC/CNPq)
as junior researcher in History of Science at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)
08/2007-03/2009 Provoc-Advanced Scholarship
as junior researcher in History of Science at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)
03/2006-07/2007 Provoc Scholarship
as junior researcher in History of Science at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)

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