Comparative Social Science
Chair of European Studies Prof. Dr. Timm Beichelt |
Chair for Philosophy of Culture Prof. Dr. Katja Diefenbach PD Dr. Kerstin Andermann (Substitution in the winter term 2023/24) |
JP for Comparative Politics (Junior professorship) Prof. Dr. Theresa Gessler |
Chair for Cultural and Social Anthropology Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick |
Chair of Comparative Politics Prof. Dr. Michael Minkenberg |
Chair for Sociology of Economy Prof. Dr. Sascha Münnich |
Chair of European and International Politics Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer |
Heisenberg-Chair of Social Philosophy Prof. Dr. Matthias Schloßberger |
Chair for Sociology of Technology (ENS) Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Passoth |
Chair for Political Theory and Digital Democracy (ENS) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Klinger |
Chair for Digital Studies (Junior professorship, ENS) Prof. Dr. Miglė Bareikytė |
Chair of Cultural Sociology N.N. |