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Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)

Articles in peer reviewed journals

"Europe and the migrant’s gaze: three approaches to migration in research and film", Identities. First published online, March 27, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2023.2189350

“Death by ‘nature’. The European border regime and the spatial production of slow violence”, in: Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2022, 40(2), Theme Issue: Spatial Politics of Slow Violence and Resistance, 428-446. First published online, November 10, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/2399654419884948.

"Desiertos, mares, islas: geografías de intemperie como espacios de desaparición en contextos migratorios" (Deserts, Seas, Islands: Geographies of Disappearance in the Context of Migration). In: Papeles des CEIC, International Journal on Collective Identity Research (print version and online), 2020, (1)1, papel 228, 1-16, DOI: 10.1387/pceic.20909.

"Deaths and Disappearances in Migration to Europe: Exploring the Uses of a Transnationalized Category", in: American Behavioral Scientist, Special Issue: Deaths at the borders. Revisiting the debate in light of the Euro-Mediterranean crisis (print version), 2020, 64(4), 389-407.

“Death by ‘nature’. The European border regime and the spatial production of slow violence.” In: Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. Theme Issue: Spatial Politics of Slow Violence and Resistance. First published online, November 10, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/2399654419884948.

“Europa, Mobilität, Nomadismen”. Replik an Rosi Braidotti’s Nomadische europäische Bürgerschaft in der Sektion Debatte, Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaft 1/2019, 114-119.

“Desaparición. La vida en sus límites”, with Ignacio Irazuzta and María Martínez. Oñati Socio-legal Series, Special Issue La desaparición forzada de personas: circulación transnacional y usos sociales de una categoría del derecho humanitario, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (2019).

„Hotspots. Europäische Grenzen als geopolitisches und humanitäres Labor“, Berliner Debatte Initial 29 (2018) 1, Theme Issue „Komplexe Grenzen“, 39-52.

“Biométrica, normalización de los cuerpos y control de fronteras en la Unión Europea” (Biometrics, Body Normalization, and EU Border Control), in: Athenea Digital, Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social, Vol.18, 1 (2018), 11-31.

French version: Biométrie, normalisation des corps et contrôle des frontières dans l'Union européenne, in Atelier Sangs Politiques, Anstett, Elisabeth and Gabriel Gatti (Hg), Politika, 2018.

“Migrantes y refugiados en las fronteras de Europa. Cualificación por el sufrimiento, nuda vida y agencias paradójicas”. Revista de Estudios Sociales, Universidad de los Andes, Special Issue The citizen-victim. Jan-Mar 2017, 16-29. English version: Migrants and Refugees at the European Borders: The Legitimacy of Suffering, Bare Life and Paradoxical Agency.

“Bare Life at the European Borders. Entanglements of Technology, Society and Nature”, in Journal of Borderlands Studies, 31(2), (2016) 219-234.

“‘Blowing off the boat’. The sea border crossing to Europe, a navigation on the nature/culture divide”, Mobile Culture Studies, The Journal, Special Issue The Sea Voyage as a transitory experience in migration processes, I/2015, 199-216.         

“Grasping the global and the local in memorialization practices. Some dialogues and tensions between Latin America and Europe”, European Review, Special Issue Transnational Memories, 22/4, 2014, 594– 602.

“Ghosts and Compañeros. Haunting Stories and the Quest for Justice around Argentina’s former Terror Sites”. Rethinking History. The Journal of Theory and Practice, Special Issue Historical Justice, 18/2, 2014, 244-264

“'Now the Neighbors Lose Their Fear': Restoring the Social Network around Former Sites of Terror in Argentina”, The International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 6, 2012, 467–485.

“En los zapatos del que sufre. Aproximaciones epistemológicas y éticas a los ex Centros Clandestinos de Detención. O ¿con qué calzado visitar un campo de concentración?", in Papeles del CEIC, Vol. 2013/1, No. 93, CEIC (Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva), Universidad del País Vasco.

“Inscribir el pasado en el presente: memoria y espacio urbano”, in Revista Política y Cultura, Univ. Autónoma de México, Nr. 31, Frühling 2009, México DF, Univ. Autónoma Metropolitana, 65-87.

„Die Präsenz der Vergangenheit im urbanen Raum. Erinnerungsorte in Argentinien, Brasilien, Chile und Uruguay“, in: Lateinamerika Analysen, Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde, Hamburg, No. 9, 2004, 155-180.