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Borderlands in Modern Literature

of East Central Europe

3/6/9 ECTS
Seminar: MA, MEK Mittel- und Osteuropa als kultureller Raum // KGMOE Raume-Grenzen-Metropolen // MICS Culture, History and Societies in Central Eastern Europe
Mittwoch, 14.15 - 16.30 Uhr, Ort: CP 24, Veranstaltungsbeginn: 16.10.2013

This course introduces students to the literature in East Central Europe in the twentieth century. In approximate chronological order, texts by Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, German, Austrian and Czech writers are presented in their historical, literary, cultural, social and political contexts. The main questions for our course are what East Central Europe for the writers means and how the writers deal with the experiences of border and living in a borderland.
In addition to the study of primary texts, attention is paid to the major literary trends to which these texts belong. The course also considers the question of the relationship between literary and political activity in a region whose history has been shaped by the ideological currents of nationalism, communism, and now of post-totalitarian societies plus free-market economics.

Literatur: Literatur wird am Anfang des Semesters bekannt gegeben
Leistungsnachweis: Regelmäßige und aktive Teilnahme, Referat und Hausarbeit
Sprache: English