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Dr. Christian Dietrich: Curriculum Vitae

Academic positions:

Since January 2023 Research associate at the Institut für Landesgeschichte, Halle/Saale
Since May 2014 - April 2017 Coordinator of the DFG- research project “Digital Archive of Jewish Authors in Berlin 1933-1945” at the Axel Springer Chair for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Exile and Migration, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
2013  Lectureship at the Freie Universität Berlin in the European Studies Program
June 2012 - Dec. 2022 Research Associate at the Axel Springer Chair for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Exile and Migration, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Teaching and research stays:

Winter term 2021/22 Visiting professor at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte at the Universität Wien
Nov. 2011 Research stay in Jerusalem

PhD thesis:

 Nov. 2012 PhD at Moses Men­dels­sohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam. Thesis title: „Verweigerte Anerkennung. Selbstverortungs- und Identitätsbildungsprozesse des 'Centralvereins deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens' in den Jahren von 1893 bis 1914"


 2010-2012 PhD scholarship holder at the Walther-Rathe­nau-Gra­du­ier­ten­kol­leg, Moses Men­dels­sohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, Potsdam
2004-2009 Studies of Sociology, Contemporary History and Political Science at Mar­tin-Luther-Uni­ver­si­tät Halle-Wit­ten­berg. Title of Magister thesis: „To­te und Ta­bu. Zur Ta­bu­isie­rungs­schwel­le und (kom­mu­ni­ka­tiv­en) Ver­brei­tung des An­ti­se­mi­tis­mus in Deutsch­land“