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English Publications


  1. The Justification of Europe. A Political Theory of Supranational Integration. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2012)

Edited Volumes

  1. Political Theory of the European Union. Oxford University Press (Ed. with Antje Wiener) (2011).

  2. European Governance, Deliberation and the Quest for Democratisation. Oslo und Florenz (Ed. with Erik O. Eriksen und Christian Joerges) (2003).

Reviewed Articles

  1. Empowering the Sovereign: National Parliaments in European Union Monetary and Financial Policy, in: Piattoni, Simona (ed.), The European Union. Democratic Principles and Institutional Architecture in Times of Crisis, Oxford University Press (2015).
  2. Justified Multi-level Parliamentarism: Situating National Parliaments in the European Polity, in: Journal of Legislative Studies (2014), 20:1, 125-138.

  3. Justice and the Right to Justification: Conceptual Reflections, in: Dimitry Kochenov / Gráinne de Búrca / Andrew Williams (eds.): Europe's Justice Deficit? (2014), 211-226.

  4. Europe's Sleeping Beauty and the Future of Parliamentary Democracy in the EU, in: Journal of Legislative Studies (2014).

  5. Who’s Afraid of Justice? A Rejoinder to Danny Nicol, in: Journal of Common Market Studies (2012), Vol. 50 No. 3.

  6. Justice, Not Democracy. Legitimacy in the European Union, in: Journal of Common Market Studies 48:4 (2010).

  7. Europe’s Justice Deficit. Justification and Legitimacy in the European Union. In: Jürgen Neyer/ Antje Wiener (eds.),Political Theory of the European Union, Oxford University Press (2010).

  8. The State of the Art of a Non-State-Oriented Political Theory. In: Jürgen Neyer/ Antje Wiener (eds.),Political Theory of the European Union, Oxford University Press (2010) (with Antje Wiener).

  9. The Deliberative Turn in Integration Theory, in: Journal of European Public Policy (2006) 13:5, 779-791.

  10. Politics of Intergovernmental Redistribution. Comparing Compliance with European and Federal Redistributive Regulations, in: Zürn, Michael/ Joerges, Christian (eds.), Governance and Law in Postnational Constellations. Compliance in Europe and Beyond, Cambridge University Press (2005).

  11. Domestic Limits of Supranational Law. Comparing Compliance with European and International Foodstuffs Regulations, in: Zürn, Michael/ Joerges, Christian (eds.), Governance and Law in Postnational Constellations. Compliance in Europe and Beyond, Cambridge University Press (2005).

  12. The Analysis of Compliance With International Rules. Definitions, Variables and Methodology, in: Zürn, Michael/ Joerges, Christian (eds.), Governance and Law in Postnational Constellations. Compliance in Europe and Beyond, Cambridge University Press (with Dieter Wolf) (2005).

  13. Conclusions. The Conditions of Compliance, in: Zürn, Michael/ Joerges, Christian (eds.), Governance and Law in Postnational Constellations. Compliance in Europe and Beyond, Cambridge University Press (with Michael Zürn) (2005).

  14. Efficiency and Effectiveness in European Decision-Making: Explaining the Unexpected, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2004).

  15. Discourse and Order in the EU. A Deliberative Approach to Multi-Level Governance, in: Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 41, No. 4 (2003).

  16. Horizontal Enforcement in the EU: The BSE Case and the Case of State Aid Control, in: Kohler-Koch, Beate (ed.), Linking EU and National Governance, Oxford: Oxford University Press (together with Dieter Wolf) (2003).

  17. Politics, Risk Management and Governance in the WTO. In: Science and Public Policy Vol. 30, No. 3 (with Christian Joerges) (2003).

  18. Risk Regulation and the Power of the People: Lessons from the BSE-Crisis, in: European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Jg. 4 (2000) Nr. 6; texte/2000-006a.htm.

  19. Justifiying Comitology: The Promise of Deliberation, in: Neunreither, Karlheinz/Wiener, Antje (Ed.): European Integration. Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy After Amsterdam, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2000).

  20. From Intergovernmental Bargaining to Deliberative Political Processes: The Constitutionalization of Comitology, in: European Law Journal 3:3 (with Joerges, C.) (1997)

  21. Transforming Strategic Interaction Into Deliberative Problem-Solving: European Comitology in the Foodstuff Sector, in: Journal of European Public Policy 4:4 (with Joerges, C.) (1997).

Other Articles

  1. Justice and the Right to Justification: Conceptual Reflections, in: Europe's Justice Deficit? edited by Dimitry Kochenov, Gráinne de Búrca and Andrew Williams (2014).
  2. Capacity Development for Good Governance: The Key Role Played by Civil Society, in: Ernstorfer, Anita/ Stockmayer, Albrecht (Ed.), Capacity Development for Good Governance, Nomos (2009), 156-165 (with Christian Grünhagen).

  3. Deliberative Europe and the Rejected Constitution, in: Eriksen, Erik Oddvar/ Joerges, Christian/ Rödl, Florian (eds.), Law and Democracy in the Post-National-Union, Arena-Report 1/2006, 61-90 (with Michael Schroeter), Oslo (2006).

  4. Epilogue – One Familiy, Three Schools: Reviewing the Contributions to the Workshop in Albaraccin, in: Closa, Carlos/ Fossum, Erik (Ed.), Deliberative Constitutional Politics in the EU, Arena Report 5/2004, 419-433 (with Michelle Everson) (2004).

  5. Neo-Mediavelism in International Relations: Comparing U.S. and European Experiences, in: Albert, Mathias/Brock, Lothar/Wolf, Klaus-Dieter (Ed.), Civilizing World Politics. Society and Community Beyond the State, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers (2000).

  6. The Comitology Challenge to Analytical Integration Theory, in: Joerges, Christian/Vos, Ellen (Ed.),EU Committees: Social Regulation, Law and Politics, Oxford: Hart (1999).

  7. Arguing and Bargaining in Comitology: The Standing Committee for Foodstuffs, in: Schendelen, Rinus v./Pedler, Robin (eds), EU Committees as Influential Policymakers: Case Studies and Issues, Ashgate (1998).

  8. Binding Territoriality and Functionality? Globalization meets the Law, in: Ali Cem Budak/ Volkmar Gessner (Ed.), Emerging Legal Certainty. Empirical Studies on the Globalization of Law, Onati International Series in Law and Society, Aldershot et al.: Dartmouth (1998).

  9. Social Regulation through European Committees: An Interdisciplinary Agenda and Two Fields of Research, in: Schäfer, G. (ed.), Shaping European Law and Policy: The Role of Committees and Comitology in the Political Process, Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration (with Bücker, A./ Joerges C./ Schlacke, S.) (1996).


  1. Book Review:1. The Constitution's Gift. A Constitutional Theory for a Democratic European Union. In: European Law Journal 17:5, (2011), 716–719.

  2. The New World Order. Working Paper, Center for European Studies Harvard University (2004).

  3. Multi-Level Democratic Governance in the EU. Towards A Deliberative Approach to Postnational Political Integration, Arena Working Paper, 2002/9.

  4. Discourse and Order in the EU. A Deliberative Approach to European Governance, Working Paper des Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, RSC 2002/57.

  5. Compliance in Comparative Perspective. The EU and Other International Institutions, In IIS-Arbeitspapier Nr. 23 (2001) (with Michael Zürn).

  6. Bringing the Economy Back In: Globalization and the Re-Commodification of the Workforce, ZeS-Arbeitspapier Nr. 15 (1995) (with Martin Seeleib-Kaiser).