Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences of the European University Viadrina

Latest news

die Bücher, Nahaufnahme

Course schedules for the winter semester 2024/25

The course schedules for the winter semester 2024 are now online!

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Mehrere Absolvent*innen der Viadrina stoßen auf dem Campus auf ihren Abschluss an, blauer Himmel im Hintergrund

Image gallery from Graduation Day on 15 June 2024

The Graduation Day of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences took place on 15 June 2024. Click here for the report and picture gallery.

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Linie der Bücher, Bibliothek

Prof Dr Kerstin Schoor receives grant for graduate school on Jewish culture in Nazi Germany

The Hans Böckler Foundation is providing around 900,000 euros in funding for the interdisciplinary doctoral programme "Broken Traditions? Jewish Literature, Philosophy and Music in Nazi Germany", which was jointly hosted by the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Goethe University in Frankfurt (Main) and the Franz Liszt School of Music in Weimar.

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Christin Eichstädt

Dean's office



The page provides an overview of the Faculty's structure, the Dean's Office, committees and representatives.

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Professors and academic staff

On this page you will find an overview of the Faculty's Professors, Senior Scholars and other academic staff.

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Course schedules

The course schedules bundle all information on the courses in your degree programmes. On this page you will find the course schedules of all degree programmes at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences.

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Counselling services

At the European University Viadrina and the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, individual counselling and personal support are an integral part of studying. Here, you will find the right counselling service for all questions related to your studies.

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Study and examination matters

Here you will find an overview of the study and examination regulations and other study documents of the degree programmes at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences.

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Final phase of studies

On this page, we have compiled various information for you about the final phase of your studies, such as tips on writing your final thesis. We also inform you about the issuing of diplomas and the annual Graduation Day including the ceremonial award of the graduation certificate.

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Student committees and initiatives

The diverse and creative activities of our students play a vital role for university life at the Viadrina. Here you will find an overview of the student committees and initiatives in which you can get involved.

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Profile and projects

On this page you will find information on the faculty's research profile and research priorities as well as an overview of current research projects.

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Institute for European Studies (IFES)

The Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES) carries out interdisciplinary research on social, political and cultural figurations in Europe and in its global entanglements. The IFES aims at providing new impulses for the reflection about Europe and at establishing a critical perspective within the field of European Studies.

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Doctorate and habilitation

On this page you will find information on doctorates and habilitations, e.g. the individual doctorate and the international doctoral programme of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences as well as funding opportunities for early career researchers.

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Prof Dr Timm Beichelt


Christin Eichstädt

Dean's office

Dr Oliver Kossack

Faculty manager

Office hours

see here

Sönke Matthiessen

Faculty manager

Office hours

see here