Böll Foundation
Personal Tutor (Vertrauensdozent)
As personal tutor of the Heinrich Böll Foundation I am able to answer all questions pertaining to the scholarship programme (Studienwerk) of the foundation. During the selection procedure of potential receivers of scholarships, I take on the function of an expert; of course only for those students who do not and have not participated in my own courses.
The applications are open for German and foreign students as well as PhD students. Every year there are one or two application dates per group. As these dates may change every year, I recommend you to inform yourself about the current conditions of the application procedure here:
Heinrich Böll Foundation
PhD Programme (Promotionskolleg)
Starting in October 2008, the Heinrich Böll Foundation has granted scholarships for six doctoral fellows at Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. Prof. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig and I direct this programme, focusing on "Civil Society and External Democratisation in Post-Socialist Europe".
Beschreibung des Programms / Description of programme (in German)
Unfortunately, no new participants can join this programme anymore.