Dr. Tamila Kyrylova

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Dr Tamila Kyrylova is a lecturer in foreign literature at the Department of Theory and History of Secular Literature at the National Linguistic University of Kyiv and has been a visiting researcher and scholarship holder of the Volkswagen Foundation since July 2022. Her research interests in literary and cultural studies include gender studies, cultural space research and migration discourses in Eastern Europe as well as the cultural imaginary.

Selected lists (2008-2021)

Kyrylova T. A. Doris Bachman-Medik. Kul′turni povoroty: novi orijentyry v naukach pro kul′turu. Kyjiv : Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU, 2021. p.127 -143.


Imahinatyvnyj prostir sudu v romani Fridricha Kristiana Deliusa «Mij rik u statusi vbyvci (2006)» [The imaginative space of the court in the novel by Friedrich Christian Delius «Mein Jahr als Mörder»] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 17. Heohrafija, peremiščennja ta identyčnosti v chudožn′omu dyskursi. [Contemporary literary studies. Vol.17. Geography of movement in literary discourse] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU publishing house, 2020. – pp. 41-46.

 Corpus fictum (imaginatum) ta fiziolohične tilo v romani Moniky Maron «Štile Cajle šist′» (1991) [Corpus fictum (imaginatum) and physiological body in the novel by Monika Maron «Stille Zeichene Sechs»] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 16. [Contemporary literary studies. Vol.16.] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2019. – pp. 92-96.

Symptomatyčnist′ kolonial′noho mynuloho Nimeččyny v romani K. Krachta «Imperija» [Symptomatics of Germany's colonial past in the novel by Ch. Kracht «Imperium»] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 15. [Contemporary Literary Studies. Vol.15.] – Kyiv: TALKOM Publishing House, 2018. – pp. 86-90.

Gender-marked border spaces in Herta Mäller's Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet // Auf den Ruinen der Imperien. Narrated Border Spaces in Central and Eastern European Literature after 1989. – edited by Andree Michaelis-König (ed.). – Berlin: Neofelis Verlag, 2018. – pp. 218-235. conference in Frankfurt (Oder), 2015.

Transformacija obrazu blaznja v romani Henricha Bellja «Očyma klouna» [Transformation of the figure of the clown in the novel by Heinrich Böll «The Views of a Clown»] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. Literaturni vymiry vydovyščnych form kul′tury – Vypusk № 14. – [Contemporary literary studies. Vol.14. Literary dimensions of spectacular cultural forms] Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU publishing house, 2017. – p. 207– 217.

Modeli nacional′noji istoriji u romanistyci nimec′kych pys′mennyc′ 1990-2000 rr. [Models of national history in the novels of German women authors 1990-2000s] In: Naukovyj visnyk Nacional′noho universytetu bioresursiv i pryrodokorystuvannja Ukrajiny. – Serija: Filolohični nauky. [Scientific volume of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Utilisation of Ukraine. Series: Philology] Scientific Herald of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Series: Philological Sciences/Redkol.: S. M. Nikolayenko, (vidp. red) ta in. – Kyiv: Milenium Publishing House, 2017. – Vol.263. – p. 141–148.

«Chvyljujučym» holosom Undyny: stat′ jak konstrukt kul′turnoho imažynarnoho v opovidanni Inheborh Bachman «Undyna jde» [With «anrührender» Stimme von Undine: Geschlecht als imaginäres Konstrukt in der Erzählung von I. Bachmann «Undine goes»] In: Naukovi praci: naukovo-metodyčnyj žurnal. Serija «Filolohija. Literaturoznavstvo» – Vypusk 259 [Scientific articles. Scientific and methodological journal. «Philology. Literary Studies». Volume 259]– Mykolajiv: Vydavnyctvo ČNU im. Petra Mohyly Publishing House, 2016. – p. 80–84.

Dim jak imažynarnyj konstrukt kul′tury u romani Judit Hermann «Počatok usjakoji ljubovi» (2014) [Home as an imaginäres construct in the novel by Judith Hermann «Aller Liebe Anfang» (2014)] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 13 [Contemporary Literary Studies. Vol.13] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2016. – p. 265–277.

Kul′turne imažynarne jak transdyscyplinarna katehorija nimec′koho literaturoznavstva [The cultural imaginäre as a transdisciplinary category of German literary studies] In:Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 12: Transkul′turni kody literaturnoho dyskursu. [Contemporary literary studies. Vol.12. Transcultural codes of literary discourse] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2015. – p. – 242-25.

Nemecko-rumыnsko-sovetskoe transkul′turnoe vzaymodejstvye v romane Hertы Mjuller «Sehodnja ja predpočla bы lučše ne vstrečat′sja sama s soboj». [German-Russian-Soviet transcultural relationship in the novel by Herta Müller «Today I would rather not meet myself»] In: LA IDENTIDAD NACIONAL A TRAVéS DEL DIáLOGO ENTRE CULTURAS. II Mižnarodnyj konhres ispanistiv «Nacional′na identyčnist′ kriz′ pryzmu dialohu kul′tur». Pivdennyj federal′nyj universytet m. Rostov-na-Donu 2014 r. German-Russian-Soviet transcultural relationship in the novel by Herta Müller «Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet» [International Congress of Hispanists “Nationale Identität im Dialog der Kulturen”]. In 2 volumes. - Volume 1 - Rostov-on-Don: Russian Federal University, 2015. 299−302. (in Russian)

Link: http://conf.esp-centr.sfedu.ru/doklady-ponencias/item/kirilov

Motyv travmy v sučasnij prozi nimec′kych pys′mennyc′. [Motif of trauma in the contemporary prose of German women authors] In: Literaturoznavči obriji : Praci molodych učenych [Literary horizons. Essays by young scholars]. — Issue 20. — Kyiv : Instytut literatury im. T. H. Ševčenka Publishing House, 2014. — p. 62−68.

Modernists′ka estetyka v prozi nimec′kych pys′mennyc′ na zlami NDR. [Ästhetik der Moderne in Prosa von deutschen Autorinnen der DDR] In: Pytannja literaturoznavstva :  [Questions of Literary Studies]. — Issue 88. — Chernivtsi: Černivec′kyj nacional′nyj universytet Publishing House, 2014. — p. 381−391.

Transformacija žanrovych form u sučasnij žinočij prozi Nimeččyny [The transformation of genre forms in the novels of contemporary German women authors] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. [Contemporary literary studies].– Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2014. – pp.302-312.

Chudožestvennыe modely nacyonal′noj ystoryy kak formы preodolenyja prošloho v sovremennoj proze nemeckych pysatel′nyc [Models of national history as fictional forms of dealing with the past in the contemporary prose of German women authors]. - Moscow : Specknyha Publishing House, 2012. – pp. 406-410. (in Russian)

Literaturnyj kanon ta žinoča nezaležnist′ (na materiali romanu M. Maron «Animal triste» (1996 r.) [The literary canon and female independence in the novel M. Maron «Animal triste»] In: Visnyk L′vivs′koho universytetu. [Information Bulletin of the University of Lviv] – Issue № 20. Part 1 : Series of foreign languages– L′viv : L′vivs′kyj nacional′nyj universytet imeni Ivana Franka Publishing House, Lviv, 2012. – pp. 153-159.

Model′ nacional′noji istoriji jak forma podolannja mynuloho v romani K. Chaker «Pracivnyk basejnu» [The model of national history in the novel by Katharina Hacker «Der Bademeister»] In: Vektory rozvytku sučasnoho literaturnoho procesu. [Development vectors of contemporary literary studies]– Odes′kyj nacional′nyj im. I.I. Mečnykova Publishing House, Odesa, 2011 – pp. 322-331.

Koncepcija žinočoji sub "jektyvnosti u dzerkali mežovoji sytuaciji času [The conception of female subjectivity at the turn of the 2000s] In: Literaturnyj proces: Metodolohija. Imena. Tendenciji. [Literary process. methodology. names. tendencies] – issue № 1-2 – Kyiv: Borys Grinchenko University Publishing House, 2010 – pp. 74-77.

Tuha za mynulym: žinoča identyčnist′ u romani Moniky Maron «Animal triste» [Longing for the past: female identität in the novel by M. Maron «Animal triste».]. In: Naukovi praci. – Serija: Filolohija. Literaturoznavstvo. [Scientific works. Series: Philology. Literary studies] – Issue 128. Volume 141. – Mykolajiv: Vyd-vo ČDU im. Petra Mohyly Publishing House, 2010. – pp. 40-44.

Naratyvna pryroda žinočoji avtobiohrafiji v romani M. Maron «Animal triste» [The narrative structure of women's autobiography in M. Maron's novel «Animal triste»] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 7: Modusy avtobiohrafičnoho pys′ma. [Contemporary Literary Studies. - Issue № 7: Modes of autobiographical writing] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2010. – pp. 90-100.

Tilo ta naracija v romani H. Mjuller «Krašče b ja s′ohodni z soboju ne zustrilasja» [Body and Narrative in H. Müller's novel «Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet»] In: Literaturoznavči obriji. – Vypusk 16. [Literary Horizons. - Issue 16] - Kyiv: Instytut literatury im. T.H. Ševčenka NAN Ukrajiny Publishing House, 2010. – pp.195-201.

Animalistyčni obrazy v sučasnij prozi nimec′kych pys′mennyc′ [Animalistic figures in contemporary German prose by women] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studii [Contemporary Literary Studies] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2009. – pp. 448-456.

Marhinesy «čužoji» movy v romani Dženni Erpenbek «Slovnyk» [Marginalia of the «foreign» language in the novel by Jenny Erpenbeck «Wörterbuch»] In: Pytannja literaturoznavstva. Vypusk 77 [Questions of Literary Studies. Issue 77]– Černivci, 2009. – pp. 34-40.

Postmodernists′ka literaturna praktyka (na materiali povisti Birhit Vanderbeke «Al′berta pryjmaje kochancja») [The postmodern literary  writing in the work of B. Vanderbeke „Alberta empfängt einen Liebhaber“] In: Literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk 24 [Literary Studies - Issue 24]. - Kyjivs′kyj nacional′nyj universytet im. T Ševčenka, Kyiv, 2009. – pp. 179-185.

«Laboratorija Jevropa» - heohrafični ta polityčni kordony v romani Herty Mjuller «Krašče b ja s′ohodni z soboju ne zustrilasja» [«Das Laboratorium Europa» – geographical and political borders in H. Müller's novel „Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet“] In: Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. – Vypusk № 6: Podorož jak literaturoznavča ta kul′turna problema. [Contemporary literary studies. - Issue 6: Travel as a literary and cultural studies problem] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2009. – pp. 104-116.

Ideolohičnyj mif jak znjattja identyčnosti v romani Dženni Erpenbek «Slovnyk» [The ideologis] In: Vikno v svit – 2 (23) / 2008. – Zarubižna literatura: naukovi doslidžennja, istorija, metodyka vykladannja. [Window to the world – 2 (23) / 2008 - Foreign literature: scientific research, history, teaching methodology] Kyiv. – pp. 97-105.

Okcydental′nyj proekt kemalistyčnoji žinky v romani Eminy Sevhi Ozdamar «Dyvni zirky vdyvljajut′sja u Zemlju» [The Occidental Project of the «Kemalist» Woman in the Novel by E. S. Özdamar «The Strange Stars Stare at the Earth»] In: Schid na Zachodi, Zachid na Schod: dialoh svitohljadnych ta chudožnich paradyhm – №5. Sučasni literaturoznavči studiji. [East in the West, West in the East: dialogue of ideological and literary paradigms] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU Publishing House, 2008. – pp. 125-132.


Achroničnyj pryncyp orhanizaciji chudožn′o-mifolohičnoho časoprostoru v romani K. Vol′f «Medeja. Holosy» [The achronic-constituting principle of the artistic-mythological chronotopos in Christa Wolf's novel «Medea. Voices».] In: Chronozrušennja: koncepciji nelinijnoho času v svidomosti, kul′turi ta literaturi – 2007, Vypusk № 4 [Time shifts: Conceptions of non-linear time in consciousness, culture and literature. Issue 4] – Kyiv: Vydavnyčyj centr KNLU. – pp. 97-103.


Manifestacija dytjačoji svidomosti v romani Il′zy Ajchinher «Velyka nadija» [Manifestation of the Consciousness of the Child in the Novel by Ilse Aichinger «Die größere Hoffnung»] In: Inozemna filolohija. – Vypusk 119 [Foreign Philology - Issue 119]– L′viv. – 2007. – pp. 207-213.



Scientific positions:

Since August 2014

Lecturer in foreign literature at the Department of Theory and History of Secular Literature at the National Linguistic University of Kyiv


Senior lecturer and lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Secular Literature at the National Linguistic University of Kyiv


University lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Secular Literature at the National Linguistic University of Kyiv

Teaching and research stays:

July 2022- March 2023

Guest researcher at the Chair of German-Jewish Literary and Cultural History, Exile and Migration at the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)

Scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation on the research topic "German-Polish cultural spaces in the travelogues "Polski Tango. A journey through Germany and Poland" (2006) by Adam Soboczynski and "Return to Poland. Expeditions to my homeland" (2019) by Emilia Smechowski" as part of the project "Explorations of a European cultural space: Germany, Poland and Ukraine in contemporary literary migration discourse"


Several research stays as part of the DAAD-funded "German Studies Institute Partnership Programme" and the Vladimir Admoni Programme between the Centre for German Studies and the Institute for German and Dutch Philology and the Peter Szondi Institute for General and Comparative Literature at Freie Universität Berlin


Participant of the DAAD-funded Vladimir Admoni Programme for doctoral candidates (Centre for German Studies at the Shevchenko Institute for Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - the Free University of Berlin)


at the Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the work “Strategies of representation of female subjectivity in the prose of German women writers 1900-2000s (Herta Müller, Monika Maron, Jenny Erpenbeck)”.

Educational pathway


Master of Philology and qualification as a university teacher of German, English, Spanish languages and foreign literature (graduated with honours) in the "German Language and Literature" programme at the National Linguistic University of Kyiv


Bachelor's degree in philology and qualification as a teacher of German in the "German Language and Literature" programme at the National Linguistic University of Kyiv