Yi Lui

"As a doctoral student, I was looking for access to extensive secondary literature and the opportunity to visit relevant places in Poland as well as archives in Berlin, Bremen and the Lübecker Günter Grass-Haus, which were not available to me in China. At the chair of Prof. Dr. Schoor, I found a scientific discussion group and was able to attend thematic research seminars. In addition, Frankfurt and Berlin libraries were close by and I was given a place in the chair's research facilities. Above all, I collected and read materials that were indispensable for my research project and visited various places in Poland as well as relevant archives in Berlin, Bremen and the Günter Grass House in Lübeck."
Liu, Yi: Über Südkinds Das Parfum - Parodie auf Künstlerroman. In: Chinese and Foreign Culture. Chongqing: Chongqing Publication 2021, pp.146-156. (In Chinese)
Liu, Yi: Eigen-Sinn der Dinge und Eigensinn für die Dinge: eine kulturwissenschaftliche Betrachtung zur materialen Repräsentanz in Günter Grass‘ Die Blechtrommel. In: Literaturstraße. Chinese-German journal for linguistics and literary studies. Vol. 22, 2021 - Issue 1. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2021, pp. 235-247.
09.2014 – 06.2018 Shandong University of Finance, Subject: German
09.2018 – 06.2021 Sichuan International Studies University, Subject: Modern Literature (Magister)
09.2022 – now Sichuan International Studies University, Subject: Modern Literature (PhD)
Awards and scholarships
11. 2017 Provincial Government encouragement Scholarship
12. 2019 National scholarship for Postgraduates 2019
10. 2020 Exchange Scholarship for Students of HHU's Partner Universities
10. 2023 Viadrina International Program - for Graduate 2023