Prof. Dr. Irmela von der Lühe

Irmela von der Lühe is Professor (ret.) of Modern German Literature at the FU Berlin and has been Senior Professor at the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg since October 2013. Her research focus is on German-Jewish literary and cultural history, the literature of exile and the Shoah as well as the literary history of female authorship and the Thomas Mann family.
Scientific positions:
Since October 2013 | Senior Professor at the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS) |
2010 and 2013 | Senior Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) |
2004-2012 | University Professor at the Institute for German and Dutch Philology at Freie Universität Berlin |
1997-2004 | University professor at the Department of German Philology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen |
1995-1997 | University professor (temporary) at the Free University of Berlin |
Teaching and research stays:
2013 | Guest professor at the German Summer School Middlebury |
2010 | Guest professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2007 | Max Kade Professor at the Center for Exile Studies at the University of Kansas, Lawrence |
2003/04 | Guest Professor in the German Department of the University of California, Irvine |
2001 | Max Kade Professor at the Center for Exile Studies at the University of Kansas, Lawrence and Visiting Professor at the German Department in Edmonton, Canada |
1993 | at the Department of Philosophy and Geisteswissenschaften of the Freie Universität Berlin with "Erika Mann. A Biography" |
1977 | at the Department of Philosophie und Geisteswisschaften der Freien Universität Berlin mit der Arbeit "Natur und Nachahmung in der ästhetischen Theorie zwischen Aufklärung und Sturm und Drang – Untersuchungen zur Batteux-Rezeption in Deutschland" |