Susanne Kather

S. Kather (privat)
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Since November 2021, I have been working as a research assistant in the research and digitization project „Digitales Archiv jüdischer Autorinnen und Autoren in Berlin 1933-1945“ (DAjAB). As a political scientist with a research focus on gender studies, especially with regard to gender relations under National Socialism, I enjoy working across disciplines. My diploma thesis „Nurses as perpetrators of the National Socialist murder of the sick. The portrayal of female Nazi perpetrators in the media coverage of the Munich ‚nurses trial‘“ was located at the interface of media, history and political science. Through my many years of work as a genealogist, I have extensive experience with researching people in the 20th century as well as with digitized sources and various database systems, which I am happy to bring to DAjAB.
- National Socialism and gender
Scientific positions:
Since November 2021 | Axel Springer Chair for German-Jewish Literary and Cultural History, Exile and Migration: Research Associate in the DFG research project Digital Archive of Jewish Authors in Berlin 1933-1945 (DAjAB) |
Since March 2013 | Genealogin |
March 2013-February 2014 | Student assistant, project „Contre l’Oubli“ of the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial Foundation |
2021 | Degree Course in Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin, title of thesis Diploma thesis „Nurses as perpetrators of National Socialist murder of the sick. The portrayal of female Nazi perpetrators in the reporting on the Munich ‚nurses' trial‘“ |
Uni-Gebäude Große Scharrnstraße 23 a (GS)Große Scharrnstraße 23 a
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- GS 501