Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olga Radchenko

Heide Fest
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
By arrangement.
- Holocaust in central Ukraine
- The Second World War in contemporary Russian school textbooks
- Refugees in Ukraine during the Second World War
- Ukraine in the travel literature of the long 20th century
- History of tourism
Die Liste der Publikationen kann hier eingesehen werden.
Academic career
October 2023
Research associate at the Chair of European Contemporary History, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder
09. 2006 - 08.10. 2023
Assoc. Prof. at the Chair of Tourism, Institute of Law and Business / Business and Law; Bogdan Khmelnyts'ky State University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Various research stays and fellowships in Germany, Austria, Poland and the USA
October-November 2018
Research work on behalf of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION
September-November 2014
Research work as part of the development of a new permanent exhibition on the history of Buchenwald Concentration Camp
Member of the organising group for the annual international conference "Problems and Perspectives of Tourism and the Hotel Industry" at Bohdan Khmelnyts'ky State University
Co-Editor "Mizh Bugom i Dniprom. Naukovo-kraeznavčii visnyk Central'noi Ukrainy" [Between Bug and Dnipro. Journal of Scientific and Regional Studies in Central Ukraine], Kropyvnyts'ky, Ukraine
PhD at Bohdan Khmelnyts'ky State University with the topic "Intourist in Soviet Ukraine: organisation, personnel, focus of activity (1960-1980)"
09.2001-09. 2002
Assistant to the Chair of German Studies at Bohdan Khmelnyts'ky State University
1 - 14 July 2019
Participation in the IV Summer School "History of the Holocaust in Ukraine", USHMM, Ukrainian Center for Holocaust studies, Shevchenko University, Kyiv.
August 2016
Participation in the workshop "Archive Documents of Holocaust", EHRI and Bundesarchiv, Berlin
Studied German Studies at the Faculty of Philology at the Moscow State Lomonosov University
Logenhaus (LH)Logenstraße 11
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- Postal address: Große Scharrnstr. 59, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- LH 212