Dr. Luis Manuel Hernández Aguilar

Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
- Theories about race and racism
- Islamophobia and anti-Semitism
- Feminist theory
- Conspiracy theories and the extreme right
- Critical discourse analysis and digital ethnography
- Biopolitics and governmentality
Academic activities
Since March, 2022
Postdoctoral research associate at the Chair of Comparative Cultural and Social Anthropology at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
Since January, 2022
Visiting Researcher at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
January, 2019 – December, 2021
Postdoctoral research associate for the project: “EnGendering Europe's Muslim Question”, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
January, 2017 – February, 2018
Research officer for the project: “Countering Islamophobia through the Development of Best Practice in the use of Counter-Narratives in EU Member States”, funded by the European Commission under the direction of the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
October, 2014 - February, 2015
Research associate, Faculty of Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt (am Main).
October, 2013 – February, 2014
Research associate, Competence Network Latin America, University of Cologne.
Scientific career
April, 2012 – December, 2015
PhD candidate, Faculty of Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt (am Main).
Title of the dissertation: Welcome to Integrationland. On racism and the German Islam Conference (Dissertation – Magna Cum Laude, Defense – Summa Cum Laude).
September, 2008 – August, 2010
Research Master (MPhil) of Social Sciences, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO Mexico. Title of the Master's Thesis: Si con el nombre de indios nos humillaron y explotaron, con el nombre de indios nos liberaremos: el proceso de configuración de un sujeto político indígena, estudio de caso de la Organización Independiente Totonaca. - If we are humiliated and exploited by the name ‘Indios’, we will liberate ourselves with the name ‘Indios’. The configuration of an indigenous political subject. Case study on the Indipendent Totonac Organization. (Grade: Excellent with recommendation for publication).
October, 2003 - October, 2007
Bachelor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UAM-X). Title of the bachelor thesis (in Spanish): ‘God, why am I of different origins?’ Ethnicity and racism in urban contexts. (Grade: Excellent and awarded the first of the Graduates Research Awards 2008).
Main Building (HG)Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- HG 249
+49 335 5534 2642 +49 335 5534 72644 HernandezAguilar@europa-uni.de