Prof. Dr. Andrea Allerkamp

Heide Fest
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Professorship for Western European LiteraturesProfessorship Holder
By appointment. Registration at
Please specify the topic to be discussed.
• Rhetoric and Ästhetics
• Relationship between Philosophy and Literature
• Law and Literature
• Kleist Research
• Dream Criticism
• Cultural Theory
• German-French History of Ideas
To the complete overview of publications.
Pro- and Research Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
since 2022
Co-editor of the International Yearbook of Rhetoric
since 2019
Member of the advisory board of the Kleist Museum Frankfurt (Oder)
since 2017
Council Member of the Editorial Board of the series Traum - Wissen - Erzählen
Co-editor of the Kleist Yearbook
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
Director of the Heinrich von Kleist Institute
Speaker of the DFG research training group lebensformen & lebenswissen
Since 2011
Professorship W3 Chair for Western European Literatures at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Professor of History of Ideas and German Literature at the Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille 1)
Professor of Cultural and Literary Studies (Etudes germaniques), Université de Poitiers; Director of the research group Mémoire(s), Identité(s), Marginalité(s) dans le monde occidental contemporain at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société in Poitiers
Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) at the Université de Sorbonne (Paris IV) with the research report Invocation et compréhension. Pour une herméneutique culturelle en histoire des idées
Habilitation at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with the book Anruf, Adresse, Appell. Figurations of Communication in Philosophy and Literature. Awarded the Venia legendi for the subject Modern German Literature
Maître de Conférences (Academic Rätin) for German Studies, Université de Toulouse II
Doctorate (PhD) at the University of Hamburg with the dissertation Die innere Kolonisierung. Images and representations of the other in German, French and African literature of the 20th century
Guest professorships: Université Paris I, New York University, École Normale Supérieure (Lyon), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Fellowships: International Morphomata Kolleg, University of Cologne 2019/2020.
Research grants: DFG, University of Hamburg, DAAD.
The Torso in the Belvedere and the „Proletarians in Heaven“. On the Conflict between Political Philosophy and Art Theory, Workshop On the Politics of Expression on the Occasion of the Awarding of the Helmuth-Plessner Prize 2023 to Gérard Raulet, Wiesbaden.
Politics or Poetics? On the Aesthetics of the Nightmare in Rudolf Leonhard’s Dream Book of Exile, Conference „Dark Fantasies. Aesthetics of the Nightmare from the 20th Century to the Present”, org. Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa, Sheila Dickson, University of Glasgow and Goethe Institut, Glasgow.
Diderot - Kleist – Rohmer. Deutsch-französische Transfergeschichten oder über ein subtiles Bilder-Spiel von Treue und Verrat, Annual Conference of the Heinrich von Kleist Society, „Um einen Kleist von außen bitten. On the international reception of Kleist“, Berlin.
With Martin Roussel, in conversation on ethology as a „lost discipline“, You Tube.
University of Cologne,
International College Morphomata ENCOUNTER. THEORY AND PRACTICE IN DIALOGUE "Überlebenswissen im Totalitarismus: Rudolf Leonhards expressionistisches Traum-Archiv" with Steffen Mensching (Theatre Rudolstadt).
Alexander Kluge et ses aïeux surréalistes, conference Univers pluriels d'Alexander Kluge, org. Wolfgang Asholt, Jean-Pierre Morel, Vincent Pauval, with the participation of Alexander Kluge, Cérisy-la-Salle.
Universität Saarbrücken
Workshop „Dream Protocols of Modernity: Elsa Morante and Meret Oppenheim“ with Claudia Öhlschläger.
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Europäische Traumkulturen".
Goethe Institute, New Delhi
Guest lecture: „Schönes Denken. On the topicality of philosophical äaesthetics.“
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Guest lecture: „Moving Constellations. The esthetic regime of arts.“
Universität Paderborn
Lecture: „Swearing, swearing, lying. On the staging of the oath in Kleist and Shakespeare.“
Ringvorlesung: „Komparatistik heute: Aktuelle Positionen der Vergegenden Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft“
Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
Reading Franck Hofmann, „Aus dem letzten Zimmer. Eine Ästhetik des Abschieds“ (Kadmos Verlag, 2016).
Discussion at the Literaturhaus Berlin with Andrea Allerkamp and Markus Messling.
Lecture: „Ähnlichkeiten entdecken. For a minimal aesthetics of dreams.
Interdisciplinary conference for young academics on dreams and inspiration.
The DFG Research Training Group on European Dream Cultures.
Main Building (HG)Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
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