PD Dr. Andrea Gremels

Andrea Gremels
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Professorship for Western European LiteraturesChair Representative
By appointment. Registration at weslit@europa-uni.de.
Please specify the topic to be discussed.
• Francophone and Hispanic literatures and cultures of the 20th and 21st centuries
• Transcultural Studies
• International Avant-Garde and Surrealism Studies
• Migration and Exile Literatures
• Postcolonial Theory
• World Literature
• Literatures of Global South
• Inter- and Transmedial Methodology
To the complete overview of publications.
Positions and Degrees
10/2024 – 09/2025 Professorship for Western European Literatures (interim), European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
10/2008 – 07/2024 Research Associate and Lecturer at the Department for Romance Languages and Literatures, Francophone and Hispanic Cultural and Literary Studies, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main (on leave from 05/2018 - 03/2021)
09.06.2021 Venia legendi in Romance Studies at the Faculty of Modern Philologies, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Habilitation thesis: „Kosmovisionen und Weltkünste. Der transversale Surrealismus“ [Cosmovisions and World Arts. On Transversal Surrealism]
01/2020 – 03/2021 Feodor Lynen Return Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Host institution: Latin America Institute of Freie Universität Berlin
05/2018 – 12/2019 Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Host institution: Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage (CRAL) / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
15.07.2013 Doctorate at the Department of Modern Philologies, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main. Topic of the dissertation: „Exil und Transkulturalität. Kubanische Gegenwartsliteratur in Paris zwischen Grenzziehungs- und Entgrenzungsprozessen“ [Exile and Transculturality. Cuban Contemporary Literature in Paris between Border Demarcations and Border Transgressions] (Supervisors: Roland Spiller, Frankfurt / Ottmar Ette, Potsdam)
04/2008 – 07/2008 Graduate assistant at the Department for Romance Languages and Literatures, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main
10/2002 – 01/2008 Magister Artium degree in Romance Studies (main subject), American Culture and Cultural Studies (minor subject) and Sociology (minor subject), Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main
Research Stays abroad
10/2022 – 11/2022: Research stay at the Colegio de México, Mexico City, alumni funding of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
02/2018 – 03/2018: Research stay at the Universidad de La Habana / Casa de las Américas, funded by the central funds for foreign affairs of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
10/2015 – 11/2015: Guest lecturer at the Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe (CIALC), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico, funded by the Foreign Ministry of the a scholarship from the Mexican government (AMEXCID)
03/2014 – 04/2014: Erasmus guest lecturer at the Université Pau et Pays d’Adour, France
05/2007 – 04/2012: Regular, self-financed research stays in Paris
Memberships and positions
Since 1/2023: Member of the Editorial Collective of International Journal of Surrealism (IJS), University of Minnesota Press
Since 04/2022: Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the André Breton Society, Paris
05/2019 – 11/2024 Elected board member of the International Society for the Study of Surrealism (ISSS)
09/2020 – 07/2024 Member of the EU Horizon 2020 project Archives in Transition: Collective Memory and Subaltern Uses, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina, and others. DOI: 10.3030/872299
Asociación de Historiadores latinoamericanistas Europeas (AHILA)
Deutscher Hochschulverband (German University Association)
Deutscher Frankoromanistenverband (German French Romance Studies Association)
Deutscher Romanistenverband (German Romance Studies Association)
Society of Caribbean Research (SOCARE)
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