Prof. Dr. Étienne Jollet

European University Viadrina
Visiting Professor Winter semester 2018-19 - Summer semester 2020Étienne Jollet is Professor of Modern Art History at the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. His
work follows three main directions. The first is the study of French art of the 17th and 18th
centuries, with a particular interest in genre painting, such as in "Watteau. Les fêtes galantes"
(Herscher, 1994) or "Chardin. La vie silencieuse" (Herscher, 1995) as well as the relationship between art and
knowledge - gravitation in painting ("Figures de la pesanteur. Fragonard, Newton et les hasards de
l'escarpolette", Jacqueline Chambon, 1998). The second direction is the methodological and historiographical
approach of art history, art criticism in the 18th century (edition of the "Oeuvre critique" by La Font de
Saint-Yenne, ENSBA, 2001) in favour of neuroscience, as in Alois Riegl (edition of the "Portrait de
groupe hollandais", Hazan, 2008), with a particular interest in the question of topography ("La Nature
morte et la place des choses. L'objet et son lieu dans l'art occidental", Hazan, 2007). The third direction is the
link between art and power, as in "Jean et François Clouet" (Lagune, 1997), the book he edited on
"Les images du monument de la Renaissance à nos jours" (Presses de l'Université de
Provence, 2012) or in "La figure et le fond. Les monuments publics des rois de France de Henri IV à la
Révolution" (Droz, collection "Ars Longa"), which he is currently finalising.