Dr. Martin Baloge

European University Viadrina
Visiting Professor Summer term 2018Martin Baloge teaches at the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and is an associate researcher at the Centre de
Recherche Politique de la Sorbonne of this university. In his doctoral thesis, he offered an analysis of the
mechanisms of political representation in the Bundestag and the Assemblée nationale, in the context of the
debates on wealth taxes. His doctoral thesis was awarded the Michael Werner Prize of the CIERA
(Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne).
His research interests are the sociology of institutions, the sociology of representation, the sociology of
elites, political socialisation and public policies. He has published several articles in scientific journals such as
Politix, Politiques et sociétés, Politiques Européennes as well as in several books such as: "
National deputies, transregional deputies ? Mobilisation and Political Representation of the
Greater Region in the Capitals of Berlin and Paris " (with Nicolas Hubé), Christoph Vatter et Vincent Goulet (dir.),
La circulation transfrontalière des informations médiatiques dans la Grande Région SaarLorLux, Nomos, Baden
Baden, 2015.