Dr. Matteo Vagelli

European University Viadrina
Visiting Professor Winter term 2017-18Matteo Vagelli teaches at the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and is an associate researcher at the university's Centre de
philosophie contemporaine. In his doctoral thesis, he analysed contemporary adaptations of Foucault's
archaeological method, particularly in the work of Ian Hacking. He is currently working on
contemporary philosophy, on the history of the philosophy of science and on the theory and
methodology of the history of science, in particular the different currents of historical
epistemology. He is coordinator of the Research Network on the Methods and the Traditions of Historical
His recent works include: "Le problème du fondement et l'épistémologie historique italienne" Archives
de Philosophie, 78, pp. 509-515, 2015; "Wittgenstein après Foucault: le sujet à la limite entre archéologie et
littérature", Foucault/Wittgenstein: Subjectivité, politique, éthique, Paris, Éd. du CNRS, 2016 and "Études sur
l'épistémologie historique: commencements et enjeux actuels" (edited with J.F. Braunstein and I. M. Diez