Dr. habil. Nicolas Offenstadt

Nicolas Offenstadt
European University Viadrina
Visiting Professor Winter semester 2015-16 - Summer semester 2017Nicolas Offenstadt held the DAAD Visiting Professorship of the Université Paris 1 at
Viadrina from October 2016 to July 2017. In this role, he taught in the winter and summer semesters on the Master's programmes in
European Kulturgeschichte and European Studies at Viadrina University. He is a lecturer
in medieval history and medieval studies at the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). He is internationally recognised as a specialist in the
research fields of war and peace practices of the late Middle Ages and the First World War. He is particularly concerned with the forms of collective
commemoration of the 1914-18 war in France and, as a founding member of the "Comité de
Vigilance face aux Usages Publics de l'Histoire" (Committee for Monitoring the Public Use of
History), he repeatedly takes a firm stance on the public instrumentalisation of history (particularly the
"histoire bling-bling" under Nicolas Sarkozy) and on the role of the historian in general between science,
politics and the public sphere. He regularly publishes articles in the arts section of the daily newspaper "Le Monde".
His latest works include, among others: L'espace public au Moyen Age. Débats autour de Jürgen
Habermas, Presse Universitaires de France, Paris 2011 (with Patrick Boucheron); and 14-18
aujourd'hui. La Grande Guerre dans la France contemporaine, Odile Jacob, Paris 2010 ; Historiographies.
Concepts et débats, Gallimard, 2nd edition, Paris 2010 (together with Christian Delacroix, François Dosse et
Patrick Garcia) and Les Fusillés de la Grande Guerre et la mémoire collective (1914-1999), Odile Jacob, Paris
His events and teaching are funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF).