Extraordinary and honorary professorships
Extraordinary professors

Rainer Berson
Prof. Dr. Anna Bergmann
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Adjunct Professor for Modern and Cultural History

Prof. Dr. Werner Konitzer
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Adjunct Professor for philosophy, especially media and language philosophy

Prof. Dr. Stephan Lanz
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Extraordinary Professor of Urban Studies | Coordinator of the Master's programme "Sociocultural Studies"
Main Building (HG)
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- HG 079

FotoGrafen/Andreas Paul
Prof. Dr. Gert-Rüdiger Wegmarshaus
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Adjunct Professor for political science
Main Building (HG)
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- HG 017
Honorary professorships

Prof. Dr. Christian Andree
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Honorary Professor for the history of science and medicine