Maggie Bullock Oliveira, M.A.

Research Interests
- multilingualism
- linguistic belonging
- language in academic contexts
- the global spread of English
- language ideology
Currently working on a PhD project entitled “Social Inclusion in Multilingual Universities: Language Ideologies, Neocolonialism, and Linguistic Capital” and a subproject "The Language Ideology Workshop (a.k.a. Language in Your Life)"
Read more about research projects at the Chair of Language Use and Migration here.
Sanches de Oliveira, G. and Bullock Oliveira, M. (2022) Bilingualism is always cognitively advantageous, but this doesn’t mean what you think it means. Front. Psychol. 13:867166. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.867166
See my CV for details about teaching experience, presentations, and training.