Somaiya Meer, M.A.

Heide Fest
European University Viadrina
Doctoral CandidateLanguages: Uzbeki, Persian, Pashto, English and German (B1)
Research Interests: Linguistics, Sociolinguistics Studies, Language and Immigration, Language and integration.
PhD Project: A Sociolinguistic Study of Transnational Afghan Diasporas in Germany (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Britta Schneider)
Read more about research projects at the Chair of Language Use and Migration here.
Meer, Somaiya, (2021). ´´The Effective Role of Electronic Data Exchange (EdX) in Education System´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 1, pp. 01-10.
Meer, Somaiya, (2021). ´´ Linguistic Landscapes in Kabul Afghanistan´´, International Journal of Foreign Languages Elite-International Journal of Social Science and Strategic Management, Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Spring 2021, pp. 8-13,
Meer, Somaiya, (2020). ´´Citation of An Academic Research Paper Through Use of a Software´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 3, 2020, pp.345 – 355.
Meer, Somaiya, (2019). ´´ Language Variation in Afghanistan´´, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019, pp. 13-18,
Meer, Somaiya, (2019). ´´ The Role of Women in Peace Process of Afghanistan´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Spring 2019, pp. 75 – 78.
Meer, Somaiya, (2018). ´´ The Role of E-Learning in Education System´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 4, 2018, pp. 176 – 184.
Meer, Somaiya, (2017). ´´ Teaching Language Through Music´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 3, 2017, pp. 182 – 191.
Meer, Somaiya, (2016) ´´ The use of (PPP) Technique in English Language Teaching´´, Academic Journal of Foreign Languages of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 2, 2016, pp. 1-10.
Meer, Somaiya, (2016) ´´ Differences between a Deductive and an Inductive Approach in Teaching Grammar´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 1, 2016, pp. 84 – 92.
Meer, Somaiya, (2016) ´´ Continual Professional Development´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 2, 2016, pp. 218- 224.
Meer, Somaiya, (2015) ´´ Variations in Language use ´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 3, 2015, pp. 190 – 203.
Meer, Somaiya, (2014) ´´ Teaching Reading through academic ´´, Academic Journal of Kabul University, Kabul Afghanistan, Version 3, 2014, pp. 238-244.
Academic Background
01.10.22 – Now: PhD Candidate at the European University Viadrina by support of DAAD Hilde Domin program.
01.01.2012- 31.12. 2013: MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages), (GPA '1') Center for Master Studies of Kabul Education University by full support of Indiana University of USA.
M.A. Thesis: "An Investigation of the Teaching Portfolio as a Professional Development in English Department of KU". Pp. 1-188. (Supervisors: Dr. Beth Lewis Samuelson and Christopher Henderson).
2002-2005: BA in English Language and Literature (GPA '1'), English Department of Language and Literature Faculty, Kabul University.
Academic Experience
2021: Voice President of ELTAA (English Language Teachers’ Association for Afghanistan) at Kabul University.
2018- 2021: Academic Consultant in the English Department, Languages and Literature Faculty of Kabul University, as a committeemember, making decisions on the academic cases which happens in the faculty, based on the regulation and law of higher educationand giving advice to the academic promotion cases.
2012- 2021: Committee Member of the Curriculum Committee in the English Department of Languages and Literature Faculty,Kabul University, responsibilities were: Evaluating the current curriculum, Finding the needs of market and required skills and Updating the curriculum based on the gathered data.
2010- 2021: Committee Member of the Quality Assurance Committee of Kabul University, responsibilities were: working to enhance the assessment processes using new technologies, assessing of the other Faculties at Kabul University, Developing strategicplan for KU Research Committee and valuating KU Research Projects.
2007 – 2021: Lecturer at English Language and Literature Faculty, Kabul University, Giving Lectures in Linguistics subject,Methodology subject, English Language Skills (Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking), ESP (English for Specific Purpose)Classes in Engineering and Computer Science.
2006 – 2010: English Language Units in Kabul University by Support of British Council, responsibilities were a Member of EnglishLanguage Unit in the Kabul University, Instructor in Academic areas, taught different levels of English language in the KabulUniversity, Drafted quizzes, tests and supplementary basis in the English Department, Kabul University.
2006- 2021: ELTAA (English Language Teachers’ Association for Afghanistan), responsibilities were a Member of ELTAA,delivering workshops in the annual conference of ELTAA, Providing trainings for English Language teachers from different organizations and high schools
2003- 2021: ITCK (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF KABUL UNIVERSITY) responsibilities were: Tutor andConsultant Administrative Manager, Monitoring and supervising Administrators, Developing Plans for Kabul University IT Center, Preparing and updating training materials for junior network administrator.
Promotions / Awards
Meer, Somaiya, (2019). ´´ The Role of Technology in Writing English Monographs in the English Department of Kabul University ´´. English Department, Languages and Literature Faculty, Kabul University, pp. 01 – 104. (Promoted as an associated Professor (Pohandoi)).
Meer, Somaiya, (2016). ´´ Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching Approach in Journalism Faculty of Kabul University´´. English Department, Languages and Literature Faculty, Kabul University, pp. 01 – 74. (Promoted as an assistance Professor (Pohanwal)).
Meer, Somaiya, (2013). ´´ An Investigation of the Teaching Portfolio as a Professional Development in English Department of KU´´, Center for Master Studies of Kabul Education University, pp. 01-188. (Promoted as an assistance Professor (Pohanmal) MA Thesis).
2022: A Candidate in Center for South Asia at Stanford University of USA as a Visiting Scholar by support of Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) of USA.
21-23 Feb 2024: Participated in 3rd and last face to face workshop of Akademie fur Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung in Konstanz University.
01 Dec 2023: Participated in International Feminist Network Meeting organized by the German Foreign Ministry.
11-13 Oct 2023: Participated in 2nd face to face workshop of Akademie fur Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung in Konstanz University, the rest of the program are delivered through online program.
06.09.23 – 08.09.23: Participated in ´´ Contesting 21st Century B/orders International Conference – Program from 06.09.23 – 08.09.23 in Europa University Viadrina organized by the Viadrina Center B/orders in Motion.
22-24 March 2023: Participated in the Akademie fur Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung in Konstanz University. This program is organized for one year through DAAD Hilde Domin program, which delivered through online and three times face to face workshop.
30. Juni 2023 up to 2 July 2023: Attended the DAAD’s Scholarship Holder Meeting in Berlin
03/2018: TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) Convention 2018, Participated in TESOL Convention 2018 in Chicago, USA.
01/2012- 05/2012: Junior Faculty Development Program | Indian | USA, Attending Junior Faculty Development program in Purdue University, Indiana, USA, participated in a Conference for the Scholarship Teaching and Learning in Georgia Southern University,Georgia, USA.
01/2003- 02/2003: Workshop (Web Development Course) | TU Berlin | Germany, there was a four-week training workshop, Studyemphases: HTML, Computer Training Program.
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