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Master of Arts
"Language - Media - Society"

In the research-oriented Master of Arts “Sprache - Medien - Gesellschaft” (SMG, Language - Media - Society) we offer a cultural science perspective on language and mediality in their societal contexts. In the Masters we focus on different communication contexts (everday life, institutions, audio-visual media), on communicative and esthetic practices (oral and written, monomodal and multimodal, analogous and digital), on different forms of discourse (daily interactions, texts, audio-visuals, political and public discourse), and societal structures (power structures, belonging and diversity). In this Master's we particularly provide a focus on language use and medialities of different languages and language varieties in Europe.   

We offer the choice between a universal program or different tracks that focus on linguistic research, intercultural communication (MICS, double degree with the Adam Mieckiewicz University in Poznan) or media and multimodality (MuDiM, double degree with the  Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3).

You can direct questions about the SMG and its tracks MICS and MuDiM to:

Lena Hotze at