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Master of Arts
in European Studies


Histoire mémorielle française XIXème-XXIème siècles

3/6/9 ECTS
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MES: Zentralbereich Kultur // MES: WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 21.04.2022 Block

Un système de valeurs cohérent, le souvenir national, ou le roman national, paraît avoir organisé la mémoire française, particulièrement à travers les institutions pédagogiques et les organisations savantes, au cours du XIXème siècle, et spécifiquement à l’initiative de la IIIème République. Puis au cours des siècles suivants cette structure collective de la « communauté imaginée » (B. Anderson) se serait peu à peu évanouie, selon des modalités diverses. Simultanément, les « milieux de mémoire », c’est-à-dire les différentes parties de la société qui entretenaient des mémoires vivantes auraient eux-mêmes disparu au profit de « lieux de mémoires » désormais privés d’existence sensible. Tel est le diagnostic influent porté par Pierre Nora dans une somme qui n’a pas cessé, depuis sa parution voici une génération, de susciter l’admiration et la critique. La portée du point de vue « mémoriel » a été telle qu’il a durablement marqué la relation publique à l’histoire de France, mais aussi aux mémoires collectives, et à leurs disputes. On tentera d’examiner les acquis de cette histoire, ses critiques les plus notoires – l’idée de « noeuds de mémoire », par exemple – comme les débats culturels et politiques qui lui sont plus ou moins liés, ainsi autour du « devoir de mémoire », ou des « guerres de mémoire ».

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Das Seminar wird von einem Sprachkurs des Lektorats Französisch (Dr. Andreas Bahr, donnerstags 9.15-10.45 Uhr, ab 28.04.2022) begleitet. Die Kombination aus Seminar und Sprachkurs (4 LVS) gilt als ein Modul der Ausbildung in „Wissenschaftskommunikation Französisch“. (Info/Anmeldung im Portal viaCampus ab voraussichtlich 15.03.2022). Moodlekurs Leistungsnachweise: Referat (3 ECTS), Hausarbeit 12-15 Seiten (6 ECTS), Hausarbeit 20-25 Seiten (9 ECTS) Termine (präsenz): 21.04.22 - 28.07.22, Do 9 - 11 Uhr | 21.04.22 - 28.07.22, Do 11 - 13 Uhr Sprache: Französisch

Intricated stories of monuments and public art in the age of the “cancel culture”

Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MES: Zentralbereich Kultur // MES: WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 21.04.2022 Do, 14 - 16 Uhr

Monuments have been always designed not only to commemorate particular persons or events from the past but also to set up a political agenda or a cultural canon for the centuries to come. Their placement outdoors aimed - especially in revolutionary moments – a quick and simple way of communication to be proceeded in an egalitarian, easily accessible way, outside of the museums. The traditional monuments as a genre reached – at least in Germany and in France – the peak of their popularity in the late 19. Century. Later on, they were seen rather critically and have been subsequently modified or gradually superseded by the concept of “art in architecture” or “public art”. The latter fitted much better to the creative and individualized correlation between the art or decoration and built environment. Moreover, especially the authoritarian governments of the 20th century exploited the genre to create urban spaces with ideological content. Nowadays, urban communities on almost all continents are constantly challenged by the debates how to handle with the landmarks, that don´t fit to the contemporary perception of the history at all. The seminar will consist of lectures, in which the history of the development of monuments and public art will be presented. The participants will be obliged, to make research and to find case-studies related to the debates on the treatment of monuments. The result in seminar shall imply the presentation of a particular case and a paper to be finished at the end of the seminar. Beyond the universal aspects and interrelations between the art and the city space, the seminar will provide some hints to the memorial culture of Frankfurt (Oder) and/or Berlin. Therefore, some city walks and considerations outdoors will take place in the second half of the semester.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Moodlekurs
Leistungsnachweise: Presentation of a particular case and the elaboration of a paper with the length of 12 pages ( = 6 ECTS)
Sprache: Englisch

Uniting diversity. Cultural heritage stakeholders and their multilateral alliances within the EU

Kurs (Präsenzveranstaltung): TRANS: Optionsmodul: Transdisziplinäre Kulturwissenschaften // SOZ: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen // MEK: Wahlpflichtmodul: Wissenskulturen – Wissenschaften, Religionen, Künste // MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; Zentralbereich Politik
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 21.10.2021 Do, 14:00-17:30 c.t. Ort: GD Hs2

One of the first explicit denominations of the “common European heritage” has been delivered 1796 by the French Archaeologist Antoine Chrysostôme Quatremère de Quincy. It took then more than one hundred years, including catastrophic war experiences to gradually establish the first institutional forms of the European cooperation on the field of cultural heritage. From their very beginning the first postwar associations such as ICOM or ICOMOS have been built on the networks existing beyond the iron curtain and as such they have shown their potential for cultural diplomacy. It is also remarkable in which way they contributed to establish the World Heritage List and to rethink the meaning of cultural heritage in the postcolonial era. Since the early 1990ties we have been facing a boost of heritage related cross-border actions within the EU which actually takes place on different levels of cultural politics. Over the last thirty years a lot of new cooperation forms as well as conventions have been carried out. Some of them were rather of ephemeral importance or redundant, but other revealed to be relevant up to the present day. In the seminary we are going to ask what kind of conclusions can we generate while analyzing the ups and downs as well as the topographies of these organizational activities? What kind of interaction between the central EU-policy and the lower political levels do these structures have? Do they are testimonials of particular ambitions cultivated in local professional circles only? Or do they produce an added value to the cultural heritage as a whole? In the seminary a closer look has to be taken at the ups and downs of the cultural heritage policies along these new formations, their political and professional motivations, resources and resiliences. The participants will be obliged to choose one of these organizations, to gather and to analyze all material available (internet and literature) in order to prepare a final interview with one representative of the chosen organization. Moreover, the participants will be obliged to read and discuss some recommended texts (selection in English, German and French) related to the heritage governance and cultural policy within the EU.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung:
Leistungsnachweise: All participants are obliged to prepare a presentation and a final essay (12 pages) on a topic in question..
Sprache: Englisch

Theories and Themes of the Contemporary Heritages Studies
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): TRANS: Optionsmodul: Transdisziplinäre Kulturwissenschaften // SOZ: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen // MEK: Wahlpflichtmodul: Wissenskulturen – Wissenschaften, Religionen, Künste // MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; Zentralbereich Politik
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 21.10.2021 Do, 14:00-17:30 c.t. Ort: GD Hs2

The last thirty years have brought several significant changes in the understanding and functions of cultural heritage. On the one hand, with the development of global tourism, the rise of large museums, and the creation of World Heritage Sites, valuable cultural objects have begun to function as quasi-commercial products and even as important targets of cultural policy. In addition, the desire to recreate the lost appearance of cities destroyed by war has given rise to numerous reconstruction projects, which challenge the doctrinal positions of heritage authorities. On the other hand, the processes of cultural appropriation and interpretation of heritage have constantly been critically reflected upon within political, social and cultural studies. The latter make significant contributions by highlighting the complex underpinnings of the sometimes highly politicized themes of the heritage and museum profession, such as authenticity, memory, place or representation. Participants in this seminar will have the opportunity to choose a theme that corresponds to their personal interests. They will receive a basic text and will be asked to find appropriate cases. These should serve as material for a presentation and discussion during the seminar and as a basis for the final essay.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: All participants are obliged to prepare a presentation and a final essay (12 pages) on a topic in question.
Literatur: Emma Waterton, Steve Watson (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research. Basingstoke 2015.

Musées, cultures et sociétés - XVIIIème-XXIème siècles
3/6/9 ECTS
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): TRANS: Optionsmodul: Transdisziplinäre Kulturwissenschaften // KGMOE: Wahlmodul: Menschen - Artefakte - Visionen // SOZ: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen; Wahlpflichtmodul: Urban Studies // MEK: Wahlpflichtmodul: Wissenskulturen – Wissenschaften, Religionen, Künste // MES: WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa; Zentralbereich Kultur
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 21.10.2021 Do, 9:15-10:45 c.t. Ort: LH 101/102

Le musée fait figure depuis son origine au temps des Lumières d’élément fondamental de la vie culturelle, à la fois incarnation par excellence de la légitimité artistique et historique et instrument notoire des politiques publiques. Longtemps assimilé à une icône nationale, il est devenu au cours du dernier demi-siècle une institution plus complexe, dont les identités multiples s’inscrivent au sein d’enjeux à la fois locaux et transnationaux, en fonction des communautés patrimoniales concernées. Dernièrement, on a vu s’opérer une métropolisation des collections publiques, marquée par la multiplication des expositions et la croissance des publics, la constitution de réseaux d’établissements, l’hégémonie d’expertises mondiales. Enfin, les musées renvoient à une mémoire – nationale, européenne, occidentale, universelle – devenue problématique en contexte post-colonial, dans le souci d’une éthique des collections. On choisira d’illustrer tous ces phénomènes en examinant les histoires de musées français ou européens, dans une approche pluridisciplinaire.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: Gute Französisch-Kenntnisse
Leistungsnachweis Referat (3 ECTS), Essay (6 ECTS), Hausarbeit (9 ECTS)
Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Das Seminar wird von einem Sprachkurs des Lektorats Französisch (Dr. Sylvie Bordaux, donnerstags 11.15 – 12.45 Uhr, ab 28.10.2021) begleitet. Die Kombination aus Seminar und Sprachkurs (4 LVS) gilt als ein Modul der Ausbildung in „Wissenschaftskommunikation Französisch“. (Info/Anmeldung im Portal viaCampus ab 15.09.2021).
Literatur: D. Poulot, Histoire des musées de France, La Découverte, 2005.
K. Pomian, Le musée. Une Histoire mondiale, Gallimard, 2020-2021, 3 volumes.
Maïté Bouyssy, Une histoire culturelle de la Révolution, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021.
Jean-Yves Boursier, Musées de guerre et mémoriaux. Politiques de la mémoire, éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 2005.