Prof. Dr. Timm Beichelt

Heide Fest/Viadrina
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
European StudiesProfessorship Holder
Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Head of degree programme
Master in European Studies (MES)
The consultation hour takes place Mondays from 10-11 am (online).
Note: On 11.11.24 the consultation hour starts at 10:30 a.m.
Contact name Skype: European Studies Viadrina
- Democracy and autocracy in Central and Eastern Europe
- European Union
- Emotions in politics
- Culture and politics
Here you will find the complete publication list as PDF.
Here you will further find a selection of publications by members of the Chair's staff.
University career:
- since 2024: Head of the Jean Monnet Policy Network "ValEUs"
- since 2022: Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
- 2017-2022: Director of the Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)
- since 2009: Professor of European Studies at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)
- since 2003: Head of the "Master in European Studies" (MES) degree programme
- 2003: Junior Professor of European Studies at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)
- 2000: Doctorate at the University of Heidelberg on the topic of "Democratic Consolidation in Post-Socialist Europe" (summa cum laude); Dissertation Prize of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)
- 1996-2003: Research and teaching activities at the Universities of Heidelberg, Berlin (Humboldt University) and Frankfurt (Oder)
- 1990-1996: Student of political science, economics and Slavic studies in Heidelberg and Paris
Other activities:
- since 2019: Member of the Board of Trustees of the Brandenburgische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung
- since 2014: Member of the Advisory Board of the Genshagen Foundation
- 2012-2019: Member of the board of the German Association for East European Studies (DGO); since 2018 co-spokesperson of the specialist group "Political and Social Science"
- 2006-2009: Co-speaker of the working group "Comparison of Eastern European Societies" of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)
- 1993-1999: Election observer of the Federal Foreign Office on behalf of the OSCE at parliamentary and presidential elections in the Russian Federation (1993, 1995, 1996), Moldova (1996), Ukraine (1998) and Estonia (1999)
- 1988-1990:Twenty months of civilian service in a kindergarten for the disabled at Lebenshilfe e.V. in Aachen
Here you will find an overview of the courses offerend by the Chair.
The following press photos of Prof Dr Timm Beichelt are available for download:
Download photo 1 (© Heide Fest / 5895 x 3930 / 2.6 MB)
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For further photos, please contact the Communications Department (Abteilung für Hochschulkommunikation) directly.
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